Modern facilities and future prospects in pharmacotherapy of obesity


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There is an urgent need to find effective pharmacological treatments to combat the growing obesity epidemic. Over the past 3 years it has been approved by a number of new drugs for weight loss. Most of them affect the way the formation of hypothalamic appetite through dopaminergic and serotonergic signals. Some of them are a combination therapy that allows the use of lower doses, reducing the possibility of side effects, but are less clear in terms of the long-term results. The most interesting approach, still, is to simulate the endogenous signals using satiety hormones suppressing appetite. Interesting, study of thermogenesis of brown adipose tissue in order to increase power consumption in chambers and more effective influence on the weight. Pharmacotherapy of obesity has already gone through several difficult stages, improved understanding of the pathways that regulate energy balance and possibilities of their correction. At the same time, lessons learned and new studies provide more confidence that the current approaches to the management of body weight at the same time are effective and safe.

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Tatiana Demidova

Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education

MD, professor, professor of the Department of endocrinology

Maria Stelmakh

Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education

junior researcher of the research center


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