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The lecture covers the issues of prevalence, structure, and features of course of mental disorders (MD), which are relevant for patients with immuno-inflammatory rheumatic diseases (RD). The risk factors for MD development, their pathogenesis, the relationship with inflammatory activity and the main clinical symptoms of RD are discussed in detail. Particular attention is paid to the diagnosis and treatment of MD in patients with RD in primary health care settings and rheumatological hospitals.





Email: talisitsyna@rambler.ru
MD, leading researcher of Laboratory of systemic rheumatic diseases, Division of vascular pathology, V.A. Nasonova Research Institute of Rheumatology. 115522, Moscow, 34A Kashirskoe shosse


MD, head of Department of stress disorders of Moscow Research Institute of Psychiatry -branch of Federal Medical Research Centre of Psychiatry and Narcology. 107076, Moscow, 3 Poteshnaya St


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