Human placenta hydrolyzates in reconstructive therapy of connective tissue of cartilage and joints



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Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis is one of promising directions for the clinical application of Laennec and other preparations based on human placenta hydrolysates (HPHs). It is shown that HPH peptide components can contribute to a significant acceleration of recovery of connective tissue due to antiinflammatory and trophic actions. The results of experimental studies of HPH-containing medications (including Laennec) for the treatment of arthritis models are presented. The prospects for clinical applications of HPH-containing preparations for the treatment of arthritis are discussed.




Olga Gromova

Ivanovo state medical academy

MD, professor of the Department of pharmacology and clinical pharmacology

Ivan Torshin

Moscow institute of physics and technology (state university)

candidate of physico-mathematical sciences, associate professor of the Department of intelligent systems

Yekaterina Dibrova

Medical corporation RHANA

PhD, president

Angelika Gilels

Medical Corporation RHANA

director of the Department of scientific marketing

Vadim Demidov

Ivanovo state medical academy

PhD, senior researcher of the research center


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