Taxonomic analysis of rural businessmen's motivation



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Studies of motivation in rural entrepreneurship have demonstrated its positive impact on the well-being of both businessmen themselves and rural community, but little is still known about the diversity of motivation types. In this research, the authors try to answer the following question. What types of motivation of rural businessmen should be allocated not only for the purpose of researching the effective organization of support for rural businessmen, but also for the purpose of directing the businessmen's activities to those activities that can bring the greatest not only economic, but also social effect for the rural population and ensure sustainable development of rural areas? Based on the perspective of unforeseen circumstances grounded on the theory of self-determination, the authors conducted the expert study to explain the influence of motivation on the willingness of rural residents to engage in business activity. The analysis demonstrates that social motivation does not have a significant impact on the willingness to do business. At the same time, purely economic motivation has a positive impact on future businessmen.In general, the research raises questions about the need for a taxonomy of rural businessmen's motivation, which will increase the effectiveness of not only the business activities, but also government support to ensure the sustainable development of rural society.

Sobre autores

Sergey Polbitsyn

Udmurt Branch Institute of Economics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences



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