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The aim of the research was to study the influence of weather conditions on the yield of grain crops in Crimea, based on the analysis of long-term meteorological data, modeling and forecasting the dynamics of moisture content and temperature regime. The most significant weather conditions of the growing season during the cultivation of grain crops in Crimea are the level of precipitation in April and the temperature regime in May. Based on the analysis of long-term meteorological indicators, the oscillation of these weather phenomena is revealed. Their joint action shows ecological coherence. In the years of a decrease in the amount of atmospheric precipitation in April and an increase in air temperature in May, the negative impact of these weather phenomena on the yield of grain crops is significantly increased. During periods when the amount of precipitation in April and the temperature regime in May are in “antiphase” according to the characteristics of the environmental impact, the level of their influence on the growth and development of grain crops is balanced. The time interval of oscillations of the most critical periods for the cultivation of grain crops in Crimea, a decrease in precipitation in April and an increase in air temperature in May, is 130–140 years. The current dynamics of weather phenomena in Crimea should be assessed as the initial stage of the period when, with a certain positive effect of an increase in precipitation in mid-spring, the negative effect of increased temperatures begins to grow in its second half. In the last decade, spring in Crimea has been characterized by a noticeable increase in average monthly temperatures, which determines a reduction in the growing season of grain crops and a decrease in their yield.

Sobre autores

V. Koba

Nikita Botanical Gardens – National Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Yalta, Russian Federation

O. Korenkova

Nikita Botanical Gardens – National Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Yalta, Russian Federation


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