The influence of landscape conditions on the properties of soil cover of arable land on a gentle slope lake-glacial plains

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In order to lay the landscape experience, the soil cover of the agro-landscape on the gentle slope of the lake-glacial plain was studied and the factors and parameters of spatial differentiation of some physical, physico-chemical and agrochemical properties were established. The different degree of differentiation of individual properties associated with the characteristics of soil-ing rocks, geochemical regimes and the nature of anthropogenic impact is established. Significant heterogeneity in the power of eluvial horizons, the degree of development of the gley process, the structural state, the content of organic matter, nitrogen and moderate- granulometric composition, physico – chemical properties and nutritional regime. The main factor of variation of soil properties in the agricultural landscape is heterogeneity of soil-forming rocks, estimated in terms of physical, chemical and agrochemical properties in 19-59 %. Natural and anthropogenic soil formation process reduced the average coefficient of variation of these properties within the arable layer by 2.6 times (from 36% to 14 %). The factor of increasing the heterogeneity of a number of agrochemical properties by 1.3-1.9 times in the tranzitno-eluvial facies was planar erosion, in the eluvial facies by 3 times – uneven application of organic fertilizers.

About the authors

A. I. Ivanov

Agrophysical Research Institute, 195220, Sankt-Peterburg; North-West Centre of Interdisciplinary Researches of Problems of Food Maintenance

Author for correspondence.

corresponding member of RAS

Russian Federation, 14, Grazhdansky, Saint Petersburg, 195220; 196608, Sankt-Peterburg-Pushkin, sh. Podbel'skogo, 7

Zh. A. Ivanova

Agrophysical Research Institute, 195220, Sankt-Peterburg


candidate of agricultureal sciences

Russian Federation, 14, Grazhdansky, Saint Petersburg, 195220

V. I. Dubovitskaya

Agrophysical Research Institute, 195220, Sankt-Peterburg

Russian Federation, 14, Grazhdansky, Saint Petersburg, 195220


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