Physiological parameters of thrombocytes in piglets during phase of plant nutrition early ontogeny

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A very important mechanism for maintaining homeostasis in the animal body is platelet hemostasis. The level of his activity very strongly determines the rheology of blood in the capillaries and due to this the state of metabolism in the tissues. There is reason to believe that the growth and development of piglets depends on the level of functional activity of platelets. For this reason, studies of the age-related dynamics of platelet activity in piglets at the end of early ontogenesis are of great importance. In the study, it was found that the piglets of plant nutrition showed an increase in the aggregation capacity of platelets (aggregation of their platelets was accelerated by ADP from 34.1±0.12 s to 27.6±0.12 s, with collagen from 24.7±0.08 s to 17.5±0.10 s, with thrombin from 36.5±0.08 s to 28.4±0.12 s). The main reason for this may be an intensification of the work of receptor and postreceptor mechanisms of platelets. This was characteristic of piglets during the phase of plant nutrition of early ontogenesis to the same extent with respect to strong and weak inducers of platelet aggregation. The increase in thromboxane synthesis in platelets (from 48.5±0.05% to 59.8±0.09%) was largely due to an increase in the activity of cyclooxygenase in them (from 78,4±0.06% to 89.8±0.12%) and thromboxane synthetase (from 69.2±0.07% to 81.5±0.07%) and activation of ADP secretion from them (from 46.0±0.13% to 56.9±0.15%). The increase in hemostatic activity of platelets in piglets during the phase of plant nutrition of early ontogeny should be considered an important regulator of their microcirculation and metabolism in tissues under existing conditions of existence.

About the authors

S. Yu. Zavalishina

Russian State Social University

Author for correspondence.

доктор биологических наук

Russian Federation, 129226, Moscow,Vilgelm Pik street, the house 4, structure 1

E. S. Tkacheva

Vologda State Dairy Farming Academy by N.V.Vereshchagin

Russian Federation, 2,Shmidta st., Molochnoe, Vologda, Russia,160555


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