Theoretical parameters seeder for the nest method of sowing soybean seeds

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To ensure a given rate of seed soybean seeding, a substantiation of the design parameters of the sowing disk is provided by the nesting method: the number of cells and the distance between the cells, depending on the diameter of the disc and the linear dimensions of the cell. An analytical relationship were obtained to determine the distance between the seeds in the nest and between the nests, depending on the central angles between the centers of the cells in the group and the groups of cells on the lateral surface on the sowing disk, taking into account the seeding rate and the number of cells. The necessary number of cells on the sowing disk its critical linear speed is justified taking into account the seeding machine speed at which the cells are guaranteed to be filled. As a result of the numerical experiment, the following data were obtained: for a given diameter of the sowing disk 0.21m with a cell diameter of 0.008 m and a cell depth of 0.005 m, the total number of cells on the side surface of the disk is 120 pieces, the central angle between the cells in the group is 20, and the central angle between groups of cells is 50. At these values of the design parameters of the sowing disk and the specified soybean seeding rate from 9 to 27 pieces/m., the distance between the seeds in the nest varies from 0.025 to 0.074 m, and between the nests from 0.062 to0.0 185 m. A seeding disc was designed and manufactured for laboratory testing of a sowing device for nesting soybean seeds.

About the authors

A. N. Zazulya

All-Russia research institute on use of technics and mineral oil of Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences

Author for correspondence.

доктор технических наук

Russian Federation, 28, Novo-Rubegniy per., Tambov. 392022

A. V. Balashov

All-Russia research institute on use of technics and mineral oil of Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences


кандидат технических наук

Russian Federation, 28, Novo-Rubegniy per., Tambov. 392022

S. P. Strygin

All-Russia research institute on use of technics and mineral oil of Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences


кандидат технических наук

Russian Federation, 28, Novo-Rubegniy per., Tambov. 392022

A. A. Sinelnikov

All-Russia research institute on use of technics and mineral oil of Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences


кандидат технических наук

Russian Federation, 28, Novo-Rubegniy per., Tambov. 392022

S. G. Khairullina

All-Russia research institute on use of technics and mineral oil of Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences



Russian Federation, 28, Novo-Rubegniy per., Tambov. 392022


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