Processes and forensic standard operating procedures in the production of Forensic examination of Vehicle Markings

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The purpose of this paper is the example of forensic marking symbols examination to show the relationship traditionally adopted in jurical expertology stages and algorithms expert research with the processes and procedures of such studies according to the international standard GOST ISO/IEC 17025-2019 «General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories». Currently, the accreditation of forensic laboratories is carried out in accordance with the specified standard and, therefore, the adaptation of the provisions (requirements) contained in it is an urgent issue of standardization in forensic activities. In the course of the study, the following conclusions were formulated. Stages and algorithms as traditional concepts of the theory of forensic science can be represented in the form of processes and forensic standard operating procedures. In this study, this is illustrated by the example of some of the steps contained in the methodological recommendations for the production of forensic examination of vehicle markings.

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About the authors

Elena V. Chesnokova

Forensic Institutions of the Russian Ministry of Justice, Russian Federal Centre of Forensic Science of Russian Ministry of Justice

Email: moscow. russian federation
Cand. Sci. (Law), Deputy Head of the Forensic Research Methodology Department in the system of Forensic Institutions of the Russian Ministry of Justice


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