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Diretrizes para Autores

The editorial policy of the Yur-VAK Publishing House follows the Code of Ethics for Scientific Publications.

Manuscripts are accepted only in case if they are not currently considered for publication in another publishing house, have not been posted on the Internet and have not been published earlier, the author is responsible for the accuracy of this information.

  • Authors warrant that their manuscripts are original work, free from plagiarism and unfair borrowing.
  • Authors must notify the Editors of any conflicts of interest.
  • Authors should clearly indicate all sources used in their text.
  • The authors are responsible for the selection and accuracy of the information contained in the articles, citations, legal documents, and should not affect the honor, dignity and business reputation of third parties.
  • Authors should report any errors they find in their manuscript after publication.

Completeness of the manuscript:

At the beginning of the article, the following information is indicated:

Author (s) data:

  • surname, name, patronymic (in full) of the author
  • job position
  • academic title
  • academic degree, place of work
  • address of the place of work
  • ORCID ID, Scopus Author ID, Researcher ID
  • name of scientific specialization
  • email
  • telephone number

An example of the correct formatting of an article on the humanities (technical)

2. Title of the article (in Russian, in English)

3. Abstract (in Russian, in English) (150-200 words)

The abstract should be clearly structured and reflect the following aspects of the content of the article:

  • Purpose of writing a research paper
  • Conclusions obtained during the study
  • We recommend, if possible, to include the main theses of the article in the form of infographics in the abstract (Highlights) Example of Highlights

4. 6-8 key-words in Russian and English (up to 100 characters with spaces).

5. Acknowledgments

6. The text of the article in the Word editor. The text of the article is not less than 4000-6000 words.

The structure of the text of the article should be highlighted with headings

• Introduction. Formulation of the problem

• Methods for solving the considered problem (for articles on technical sciences)

• Subject headings of the main logical sections of the article

• Conclusion

• Summary

Figures, graphs and tables must be provided in two languages: Russian and English; under the figure, graph, table, you must indicate the Source (in Russian, in English).

To design links to sources within the text of the article, we recommend authors to use the Harvard Style for links to sources within the text of the article (Harvard Style - name-date system: after the quoted phrase or link in quotation marks, to the author's opinion in brackets the surname of the author of the cited work and the year of its publication are indicated, and in the list of references the sources are indicated in alphabetical order) so that the information is more correctly displayed in international databases.

Links in the text are made in square brackets - the author's surname (without initials), year are indicated. If the link leads to a specific fragment of the text of the document, indicate the page number: [Ivanov, 2010: 60]. If the link contains information about several works, they are separated by a semicolon when specifying sources in the text of the article: [Ivanov, Sidorov, Latyshev, Year; Petrov, Year]

7. List of used literary sources (in Russian and English) in a single format, the names of the authors in alphabetical order.

• The number of cited publications is 15-20 sources published no later than 3-4 years

• The list of references contains the most significant articles and monographs on the research topic

• Normative documents are indicated in page references

• Textbooks, teaching aids, dictionaries are not recommended to be indicated in the list of references

• Internet links are recommended to be transferred to page references

• A sample of the design of a link in the list of references:

Ivanov I.I. Title of the article // Title of the journal. year. V. volume number. No. page number.

10. The volume of published materials is unlimited, font 14 (12), spacing 1.5

12. All materials should be submitted to the editorial office in electronic form by e-mail to the editorial office WA: +7 (916) 393-18-27


Preparação da Submissão

Enviando o manuscrito a escritório editorial para avaliação, os autores são obrigados a concordar com todas as seguintes cláusulas. O manuscrito pode ser devolvido aos autores desde que este não corresponde a estas cláusulas.

  • This article was not previously published, nor was it submitted for review and publication in another journal (otherwise explain this in the Notes to the Editor).

  • The manuscript file to be sent must be in Microsoft Word or RTF format - *.doc, *.docx, *.rtf.

  • Internet links are presented as full URLs.

  • The text is typed with the same line spacing, font Times New Roman, 12 pt; italics are used for emphasis, not underlining (except for Internet links); all illustrations, graphs and tables are located in the text where it is required by meaning (not at the end of the document).

  • The text complies with the stylistic and bibliographic requirements of the Author's Guide, located in the About Us section.

  • Authors' names were removed from the title of the article and other requirements of the document Ensuring Anonymity in Reviewing were met.


Declaração de Privacidade

The editorial Board of the journal and the administration of the website of the journal do not transfer personal information in any way specified by the users when working with the website of the journal to third parties, except for those cases and to the extent specified in the terms of the copyright agreement.

The affiliation work and e-mail address of the authors of the manuscript accepted for publication will be published in the section "information about the authors" of the printed version of the journal and in the section "about the authors" on the page of the article on the website of the journal.

The phone number of the corresponding author will be known only to the editorial Board Secretariat and will only be used in cases of emergency.


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