Trends in cybercrime in the global information space


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The purpose of this study was to study the development of cybercrime in the global information space. As you know, the introduction of information technologies in various spheres of human activity and life and the formation of an information space called cyberspace, led to the growth of this phenomenon. The objectives of the study are to analyze the causes that allowed humanity to reach the global level of information exchange, which, on the one hand, opened up new ways of development, and, on the other, gave rise to a number of problems that go beyond the capabilities of one state. Conclusions: information and communication technologies have become part of the life of modern society, any illegal interference in their activities can harm not only an individual citizen, but also the state as a whole. And, as you know, crime always keeps pace with the times, that is, the ways and means of committing crimes are constantly being improved, the list of objects of criminal attacks is expanding, and the latency of criminal attacks is increasing. Nevertheless, even illegal activity is one of the signs of the stage of development of society, and the emergence, development and spread of cybercrime and cybercrime is part of the recent history of mankind, and not a separate state. The public danger of the problem under consideration is recognized at the international level. These crimes are characterized by a high degree of latency and a significant complexity of investigation. In addition, there is a third factor - scale, that is, cybercrime can be committed wherever there is the Internet, network structures or information technologies, so it is so important to ensure an effective and optimal criminal law policy in the fight against this type of crime at the international level.

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Sobre autores

Beslan Tarchokov

North-Caucasian Advanced Training Institute (branch) of the Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Head of the Department of Internal Affairs in Special Conditions, Colonel of Police Nalchik, Russian Federation


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