Modernization of the bank's employee retention and development system


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Task. Employee retention refers to methods used by management to help employees stay in the organization for a longer period of time. Employee retention strategies are important for motivating employees to stick with the organization for as long as possible and make an effective contribution. Sincere efforts must be made to ensure that employees grow and train in their current positions, and that they can enjoy their work. Model. The article examines methods for improving the system of retention and development of Bank employees, studies the General market, and also analyzes the necessary conclusions in the conditions of instability and turnover of personnel. Summary. Staff who have been trained tend to move to other organizations to improve their prospects. A favorable salary, a comfortable time frame, a better atmosphere, and growth prospects are some of the factors that encourage an employee to look for changes. Whenever a talented employee expresses a willingness to move on, management and the staff team must immediately step in and find out the exact reasons that led to the decision. Practical importance. The practical significance of the article is that the conclusions and suggestions are aimed at increasing the emphasis on motivating Bank employees by implementing a certain incentive system. Originality. The research conducted by the authors revealed that the new reality has changed the attitude to personnel as the main resource of the organization. Using this rare and irreplaceable resource allows the company to take a leading position, ensuring the success and prosperity of the organization.

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Sobre autores

Alexey Sitnov

Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

Dr. Sci. (Econ), Professor of Department of Accounting, Analysis and Audit Moscow, Russian Federation

Malvina Karabasheva

Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

associate Professor of accounting Department of Accounting, Analysis and Audit Moscow, Russian Federation

Yulia Zurnadzhyants

Astrakhan State Medical University

Cand. Sci. (Econ.), associate professor of economics and health care management with postgraduate course Astrakhan, Russian Federation


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