Legal nature of notary legal relations and their position in the structure of the legal regulation mechanism


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The author focuses on the study of General theoretical aspects that are the basis of the author's approach to understanding the legal nature of notarial legal relations, which determine their position in the structure of the legal regulation mechanism, taking into account modern requirements and trends to ensure the security of public relations. The article offers the author's position on the characteristic features, classification, and structure of notarial legal relations. Based on a comparative legal analysis, the positive potential of notarial legal relations, which can be used in Russian human rights and law enforcement activities, is considered. As a result of the research, the direct impact of the notary's legal practice on notarial relations was revealed, which determined their position in the structure of the modern mechanism of legal regulation. The results of this research can be used to improve legislation, in particular, in further consideration of the draft Federal law «on notaries and notarial activities in the Russian Federation»; development of the mechanism for implementing legal practice of notaries, ensuring a high professional level of organization and implementation of notarial activities, increasing the scientific potential in the field of legal regulation and generalization of the practice of implementing law by notaries. The social consequences of this research may be reflected in the regulation of the notary's legal practice in order to ensure the effectiveness of its human rights and law enforcement functions.

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Sobre autores

Olga Moiseeva

Derzhavin Tambov State University

Cand. Sci. (Law), Associate Professor of constitutional and international law, Institute of law and national security Tambov, Russian Federation


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