History of formation and development self-regulating organizations


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Purpose of work is to explore and substantiate historical place self-regulating organization as the institution of law, spending analyze of history their formation and development. When studying the issue about moment of beginning self regulating organizations, the author makes an attempt to separate self regulating organizations into historical stages (periods). It is noted, that for the many years of successful work of private non-governmental institutions in European countries, it should say about specific place of a self-regulating organizations, the origins of which can be found in the distant past. This organizations certainly have a special place in any state system. In the context of modern understanding and researching private, nongovernmental ways of regulation business relations, appears necessity to analyze historical way development institution of self-regulating organizations and define general stages of their formation and development. Each of this stages has its own specifics and also a special features, which characterized by historical attributes in one century or another. During the historical analysis periods of development institute self-regulating organization noted, that first premises of appearance self-regulating organizations finds not only in Europe states, but also can be detected in ancient Russian state., that confirms by the works of russian performers, such as M. N. Tikhomirov, I. E. Mikheeva, A. B. Starokorov etc. Reminds that self-regulation due to its origin and existence to the development of merchant and trade, which affected on ancient self-regulation. However, as it gets more complicated, trade and self-regulation have not lost contacts, and opposite, constitutes two correlating phenomenas, developing until now.

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Sobre autores

Sergey Panin

Moscow International University

Email: panin_s_y@mail.ru
postgraduate student, the Department of Theory and History of State and Law Moscow, Russian Federation


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