Religious and moral principles of family relations in the legislation of the prophet Moses


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The article asserts and substantiates the thesis that the current serious attitude of the legislative power to the legal regulation of family relations is largely predetermined by their historically formed religious and moral principles. In support of this thesis, the author refers to the relevant provisions of the ancient mosaic legislation, which had a serious impact on the formation and development of all major legal systems of our time. The author illustrates his judgments by referring to the relevant norms of the Pentateuch of Moses (Torah), comparing the content of these norms not only with the historical conditions of their origin and application, but also with modern approaches to regulating family relations.

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Sobre autores

Viktor Bespalko

Russian customs Academy; National Research University «Moscow Power Engineering Institute»

Dr. Sci. (Law), Assoc. Prof., Professor of the Department of customs revenue and tariff regulation, Professor of the Department of theory and history of state and law; Professor of the Department of philosophy, political science and sociology named after G. S. Arefeva Moscow, Russian Federation


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