Heterogeneity of Russia's Economic Space: Factors, Forms of Manifestation, and Tools for Eliminating Excessive Disproportions



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In the article, the author analyzes the spatial heterogeneity of Russia in terms of differences in competitiveness, viewed through the prism of the ratio of production volumes of high value-added goods and services to the production volumes of low value-added products. An assessment of the difference in the level of returns from these factors is given. The features of the existing settlement system and its changes are analyzed. Taking into account these factors, a typology of Russian regions and targeted tools for managing spatial development are proposed, aimed at reducing excessive spatial disproportions. The foreign practices of reducing the excessive heterogeneity of the economic space are summarized.

Sobre autores

Tatyana Koteikina

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Pyatigorsk State University»

Email: kasaeva@pgu.ru
Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Associate Professor, Director of the Institute for the Training of Highly Qualified Personnel Pyatigorsk, Russian Federation


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