Legal Professional Ethics Education in Chinese Colleges and Universities from the Perspective of Educational Ethics



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To carry out legal professional ethics education for law students is the common requirement of social order, professional attributes and integrity of moral education. Meaningful legal professional ethics education is not simply the imposition of ethics, but the development of higher value goals and the teaching of ways to achieve ethical goals, and realize the coordination of the relationship between the internal and external value of the moral subject, the individual morality and the professional ethics, and the actualization of legal professional ethics education in legal professional ethics education rationalization.

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Sobre autores

Xin Huili

Shanghai University of Political Science and Law

Autor responsável pela correspondência

Dr. Sci., Associate Professor, School of Marxism

República Popular da China, Shanghai


  1. Aristotle. Politics. Batoche Books. Kitchener. 1999:92.
  2. Emile Durkheim. Moral Education. The Free Press. New York. 1961:X.
  3. Marx and Engels. Vol.3. Karl Marx & Frederick Engels Selected Works. People’s Publishing House. Beijing. 1995:294.
  4. Jean-Jacques Rousseau. The Social Contract. Oxford Unversity Press Inc.. New York. 1994: XXI.
  5. Wang Benxing. Opinion on Carrying forward the Spirit of «Being Righteous and Courageous». Journal of Capital Normal University (Social Science Edition). 1995(4):48.
  6. Marx & Engels Collected Works. Vol.1. Lawrence & Wishart Electric Book. 2010:119.
  7. Sidney Hook. Reason, Social Myths and Democracy. Van Rees Press. New York. 1965:3.
  8. Emile Durkheim. Moral Education. The Free Press. New York. 1961:12.
  9. Lon L. Fuller. The Morality of Law. Yale University Press. New Haven and London. 1969:5.
  10. Soochow University law school. Legal Ethics. New Xuelin Publishing Co. Ltd. Taipei. 2009:93.

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