About some Aspects of the Legal Regime of the Pledge of Exclusive Intellectual Property Rights




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The article discusses the features of the legal regime of intellectual assets pledge in Russian and foreign legislation. Separate types of intellectual property collateral are analyzed. Based on the analysis of existing approaches in Russia and foreign countries to the legislative regulation of the pledge of exclusive rights, it is proposed to form a basic regime applicable to all intellectual assets based on general principles and methodological approaches. Within the framework of special legal norms, it is proposed to establish an obligation to use the result of intellectual activity, the rights to which have been pledged, in order to preserve its economic value. Taking into account the practice of the European Court of Justice, which recognizes the economic value of unregistered trademarks, it is concluded that it is possible to pledge exclusive right to an application for registration of a designation as a trademark.




Ekaterina Sviridova

Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

Email: esviridova@fa.ru
Cand. Sci. (Law), Associate Professor; Associate Professor of the Department of legal regulation of economic activity Moscow, Russian Federation


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