The development of the corporate pension scheme in the electrical energy industry



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The article is about the current state of corporate pension provision in the electric power industry of the Russian Federation, the main trends in the development of the institution of corporate pensions in the electric power industry are outlined, and possible ways to improve corporate pension provision at the enterprises of the electric power complex are also proposed. Designating the goal of the work - to reveal the features of the institution of corporate pension provision in the electric power industry on the basis of the relationship between the institutional structure of the electric power industry and pension schemes and the tasks accompanying its achievement - to form a brief description of the institutional structure of the Russian electric power industry, designation and comparative analysis of the pension schemes used in the organizations areas, identifying factors that determine a specific mechanism for depositing funds for corporate support, establishing general and specific in KPO mechanisms for various subjects of the electric power complex, the author, on the basis of a general scientific comparative method, identifies the general and specific in the KPO system as a whole and the KPO system of the electric power industry, as well as and especially in the schemes of corporate pension provision between various subjects of the electric power industry. The goal of the work is to reveal the features of the institution of corporate pension provision in the electric power industry on the basis of the relationship between the institutional structure of the electric power industry; as well as to identify pension schemes and the tasks accompanying its achievement; to form a brief description of the institutional structure of the Russian electric power industry, designation and comparative analysis of the pension schemes used in the organizations of the electric power industry; to study areas, identifying factors that determine a specific mechanism for depositing funds for corporate support, establishing general and specific in KPO mechanisms for various subjects of the electric power complex. The author reveals the institutional structure of the domestic electric power industry, including infrastructure organizations, companies in the electric power industry (generating and grid companies), the controlling body represented by the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation and, indirectly, non-state pension funds, and on the basis of this structure explains the presence or absence of some components of the Russian power industry corporate pension schemes. At the end of the work, a conclusion is drawn about the priority and advanced nature of the parity corporate pension scheme in the electric power industry, as well as proposals are made to include in the social programs of a number of energy organizations the direction of non-state pension provision and the most complete disclosure by organizations of the institutional structure of the electric power industry of information on existing systems of non-state pension provision.




S. Kiryukhin

Federal State Budgetary Institution «All-Russian scientific research Institute of labour» of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation; Oboronenergo

postgraduate student; General Director Moscow, Russian Federation


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