The impact of environmental turbulence on the financial strategy of federal retail chain companies in the context of food security



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The purpose of this article is to study the impact of environmental turbulence on the financial strategy of federal retail chain companies in the context of food security and the retail market. The retail market in the modern world includes the process of selling services from companies in the conditions of turbulence of the external environment and individual entrepreneurs to the end consumer. This brings retailers together in a single system called the «supply chain». The main principles of retail are competitive advantages, self-improvement, orientation to the ideal, the ability to sell different products in one place. In this regard, retail is a special type of trade relations and their main feature is the use of special methods to reduce costs. The main income for retailers comes from both the trade margin and the sale of other related services to sellers of the finished product. The theoretical significance of this article is the analysis and systematization of scientific research related to the financial strategy of companies, as well as the features of its development in the turbulent external environment of companies. The practical significance of the presented research is that the proposed recommendations for improving the company's financial strategy are based on the assessment of the effectiveness of financial indicators, which will allow improving the financial strategy of companies of federal retail chains in the context of food security, in particular: «X5 retail Group». The conclusions obtained in the study are as follows: systematic research related to the financial strategy of a company, as well as the features of its development in conditions of turbulent external environment of companies in the retail market in the context of food security; Recommendations for improving the financial strategy of companies are proposed, which are based on the assessment of the effectiveness of financial indicators, which will allow improving the financial strategy of companies in the conditions of a turbulent external environment in the industry of federal retail chains in the context of food security, in particular: «X5 retail Group».




Vladimir Gaponenko

Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Professor Moscow, Russian Federation


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