Legal bases of state regulation of the activity of corporations with state participation



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In the article, the authors consider the legal basis of state regulation of the activities of corporations with state participation. The relevance of this article is due to the fact that currently corporations with state participation generate up to 70% of the GDP of the Russian Federation and it is the construction of an effective model of their legislative regulation that can contribute to improving their efficiency. In the article, the authors analyze the existing legal gaps and problems of public administration that arise within the framework of state regulation of the activities of corporations with state participation. As part of their research, the authors consider the legal basis for regulating not just all corporations with state participation, but classify the entire array of regulations depending on the degree of state participation in corporations. Separately, the authors focus on the normative consolidation of the right to «golden shares» and the legal regulation of the activities of corporations with a single participant in the person of the state. The authors also provide specific proposals that can improve the efficiency of state regulation of the activities of corporations with state participation.




Albert Pavlyuk

MGIMO University

Cand. Sci. (Law), Associate Professor, Department of public administration Moscow, Russian Federation

Valeriy Veryga

LLC «SP Consulting»



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