Principles and Strategy as Tools for Sustainable Development of the National Payment System



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The national payment system of Russia is the most important element of the financial system and a necessary component of the economy. First of all, it regulate the distribution function of the financial system and is the circulatory system of the economy, offers economic elements to realize their interests, and provide the circulation of the national currency. The authors analyzed approaches to sustainable development, principles of development of payment systems of the Bank for international settlements and make conclusions about the need of develop Russian principles and strategies for sustainable development of NPS, which should become an effective tool for the development of NPS in the digital economy. According to the authors, the lack of a strategy and plan for the development of the NPS results to a decrease in the efficiency of the national currency turnover, which, in turn, negatively affects the entire economy of the country. The term «sustainable development» fully represent the requirements for effective development of NPS, makes you wonder not only about the promising horizons for NPS, but also to assess the optimality of the system with user requirements, the quantity and quality of its members, areas of development.




Ekaterina Ulanova

State University of Management

Postgraduate Moscow, Russian Federation

Sergey Popkov

the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Labor with the Ministry of Labor and Social Security of the Russian Federation; the Moscow Metropolitan Governance University

Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Associate professor, Deputy Director General; Professor with the Chair of Financial Management and Financial Law, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of the Natural Sciences Moscow, Russian Federation


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