Civil society institution and their role in monitoring compliance with migration legislation



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Introduction. In modern Russia, the problem of the formation of a developed civil society, the place and role of its institutions in the system of public relations as a prerequisite for socio-political stability in the country, its progressive development and security is becoming more and more urgent. Civil society, representing a set of voluntary, self-organizing and self-governing associations of citizens formed and functioning within the framework of legal norms established by the state, creates opportunities and creates an environment for the satisfaction and realization of individual and collective needs and interests, self-realization, self-expression and creativity of the individual, its involvement in public and state Affairs, mutual understanding between citizens and government institutions on the most important and topical issues and problems of the functioning and development of the country. Results. Public entities that contribute to the formation of civil society institutions should have the following characteristics: 1) the composition of these bodies is formed, as a rule, not on a professional basis, but taking into account the social status and moral authority of its members in society; 2) discussion and adoption of specific decisions by members of these bodies are based on expertise and/ or guidelines (instructions) of the state body in which they are created, and/ or life experience and practical knowledge and skills as well as generalizations of public opinion; 3) accept these authorities decisions are recommendatory for the government, under which they created the character. Discussions and conclusions. The direct formation and support of civil society institutions through state-legal mechanisms is carried out by: a) creating a favorable legislative regime for the emergence of professional activities of civil society institutions; b) providing subsidies (financial support) and other forms of support;c) cooperation between state authorities and civil society institutions, which contributes to the establishment of a dialogue between these institutions.




Anatoly Prudnikov

the V. Ya. Kikotya Moscow University of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia

Dr. Sci. (Law), Prof., Honored lawyer of the Russian Federation, Professor of the Department of constitutional and municipal law Moscow, Russian Federation

Nikolay Mayurov

the Saint Petersburg Law Academy

Dr. Sci. (Law), Prof., Honored lawyer of the Russian Federation, Professor Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation


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