The essence and distinguishing features of administrative responsibility



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This article will raise the current problem of using the institution of administrative responsibility. Administrative responsibility is an integral part of the administrative-legal mechanism for regulating public relations, one of the most important institutions of administrative law, one of the most effective tools for maintaining law and order. Nevertheless, in the norms of the legislation on administrative offenses its legal definition is absent, which often leads to an incorrect determination of the type of responsibility by the law enforcer in relation to the offender, as a result of which there are frequent cases of non-compliance with the law. This circumstance is the subject of numerous discussions about the essence of administrative responsibility conducted among jurists. The purpose of this work is to supplement the scientific knowledge of administrative responsibility with new provisions and fresh ideas on possible directions for improving the current legislation. The author examines the legal regulation, the opinions of scientists about the essence of administrative responsibility and its distinguishing features. The role and importance of administrative responsibility for society and the state are explained. Several definitions of the concept of administrative responsibility are given, the most successful of them are highlighted. The main problems of the institute of administrative responsibility at the present stage of development are formulated, as well as possible solutions. The paper draws a conclusion about the possible improvement of administrative legislation and the inclusion of certain aspects in the current edition of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation. As a conclusion, in connection with the approval of the Concept of the new Russian Code of Administrative Violations, the author presents the position of the author on securing the definitions “administrative responsibility” and “administrative punishment” in the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, as well as norms on their nature and implementation procedure.




Irina Ignatyeva

The East-Siberian branch of the FSBEI HE «The Russian State University of Justice»

Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Assoc. Prof., Associate Professor of the Department of State and Legal Disciplines Irkutsk, Russian Federation

Irina Zedgenizova

«Irkutsk National Research Technical University»

Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Assoc. Prof., Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Digital Business Technologies Irkutsk, Russian Federation

Elena Vlasova

The East-Siberian branch of the FSBEI HE «The Russian State University of Justice»

Cand. Sci. (Ped.), Assoc. Prof., Associate Professor of the Department of State and Legal Disciplines Irkutsk, Russian Federation


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