On the legal nature and liability of passenger cab ordering services




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Purpose of the study. The article deals with the problems of legal status and liability of services of passenger cab ordering. Based on the analysis of legal norms, as well as doctrinal research, an attempt is made to differentiate the concepts used to designate such services, to establish and identify their legal nature. Conclusions: the analysis of legal regulation, doctrinal research and law enforcement practice has shown that there is no unified position on the correlation of the concepts of «cab aggregator», «cab ordering service», «dispatch service», but more often they are used as identical. At the same time, an attempt was made to distinguish them and it was established that these concepts are not identical in scope. It is shown that the legal nature of the subjects that gave rise to the need for legal regulation of relations with their participation and the introduction of the concepts of «owner of the aggregator of goods and services», «service of ordering a passenger cab» has not been fully investigated. The role of such subjects in the process of transportation of passengers and luggage by passenger cab goes beyond the limits of that which is assigned to them in legal regulation and as a consequence the responsibility in comparison with the degree of their participation in legal relations is limited.




Alana Dzansolova

Russian State University of Justice

Email: a.dz11@yandex.ru
SPIN 代码: 5407-4078

Teacher at the Department of Civil Law

俄罗斯联邦, Moscow


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