The smart city and the brain drain (on the example of Almaty)




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Building a smart city requires a steady supply of smart people. The trends that have developed in the external migration of the population of the city of Almaty, which occupies a high ranking among the smart cities of Kazakhstan, are analyzed. The study covers more than twenty years (2000-2021). In order to identify the presence of a brain drain, its scope and directions, the analysis is carried out. It is conducted in three directions: by the level of education (higher and secondary vocational), by key specialties (architectural and construction, technical, economic and pedagogical), and by countries, depending on the indices of human development and global talent competitiveness. A comparative analysis of statistical data provided by the Bureau of National Statistics of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan and international organizations is carried out. It is concluded that the current trends in the external migration of the population of Almaty cannot be considered favorable for the creation of a smart city. Thus, these trends need to be changed.


Saule Sagandykova

International University of Information Technology


Galym Omarov

International University of Information Technology

Timur Ananev

International University of Information Technology


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版权所有 © Sagandykova S.S., Omarov G.B., Ananev T.V., ., 2023
