Feminism as a global commercial trend



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The purpose of the research. The article discusses the problem of transforming the social phenomenon of feminism into a global commercial trend, which results in a change in the essence of the movement itself as a desire of women and men to take up an equal position in society. The article analyzes the process of turning feminism into a fashion trend of the XXI century under the influence of global commercial firms using this movement to attract a wide audience, meet consumer demand and increase their popularity. Market participants, following the law of supply and demand, adopt radical manifestations of the women's movement to create more resonance for their advertising campaigns. Thus, the use of the ideology of feminism in its products becomes a factor in the successful development of firms in the market. The purpose of the study is to show how this fact influences the rethinking of the traditional postulates of the movement, what impact the mass popularization of the changed value orientations of feminism has on public consciousness. Result. As a result of the study, the authors conclude that interference with the social phenomenon of feminism of mass culture and propaganda has led to the substitution of movement’s values and the replacement of one standard with another. Thus, there has been a transition from the striving for mutual respect for men and women and the observance of rights and freedoms in gender relations to the destruction of everything patriarchal in society and the necessity to live according to the principles established by the new women's community. The authors conclude that such a rethinking of feminism threatens a radical change in society. Commercial structures, popular culture and other objects broadcasting the values of radical feminism affect people’s consciousness, which leads to increased aggressiveness of the movement itself and instability of the social system. In addition, the authors note the negative impact of the commercialization of feminism on its understanding in the Russian Federation. Today the movement in Russia is not widespread, because based on the image broadcast by commercial structures, it is assessed as a categorical and radical phenomenon, which is far from its original meaning.


Maria Belokrylova

South Ural State Humanitarian Pedagogical University (SUSHPU)

Email: m-firstova@bk.ru
Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation

Sergey Lazarev

South Ural State Humanitarian Pedagogical University (SUSHPU)

Email: lazarev-1956@mail.ru
Cand. Sci. (Hist.), Assoc. Prof., Chair, Department of General History Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation


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