

The main aim of the Journal is to highlight the current state of significant problems of philosophy in Russia and to publish original manuscripts and materials of theoretical or practical importance in the fields and spheres mentioned above.

Special issues of the Journal may contain materials of students or young researchers conferences or be dedicated to particular events such as congresses, conventions, faculty or chair anniversaries, etc.

There are also sections for brief scientific reports, discussions, monograph and course mannuals reviews in the journal.

Advertising volume is planned in accordance with the Law on Advertising of the Russian Federation. The journal places advertising only if it is related to energy engineering, architecture and civil engineering or education.





The Editorial Board of the journal carries out peer review of all submitted manuscripts and materials to assess their quality. All peer-reviewers are to be specialists in the corresponding scientific fields. Peer reviews are kept by the Editorial Board for three years. The purpose of peer review is improve the quality of scientific publications in the journal, to ensure they meet specific criteria, to check them for accuracy and assess the validity of the research methodology and procedures, to promote materials of high theoretical and practical value.

The author submits his/her manuscript (еto the attention of the Editor in Chief) written and formatted in accordance with the authors’ guidelines hosted on journal.samgasu.ru. The manuscript submitted for publication should not contain classified information. If the information presented is classified the manuscript can be rejected and acknowledge not eligible for public access.

After being submitted all materials are checked to ensure they meet general publication criteria of the journal within three days. The Editor in Chief can reject the materials as advised by the Executive Secretary if they do not correspond to the scientific fields or topics of the journal or if the manuscript format guidelines are violated. In this case the materials are returned to the author(s) via e-mail accompanied with the statement: The materials do not meet the criteria established by the Editorial Board.

In case the materials meet all criteria and requirements, the Executive Secretary registers the submitted manuscript in the «Registration log book». Then the manuscript goes to the Editorial Board and it appoints a peer reviewer to evaluate the manuscript. A peer reviewer should not work in the same department with the author.

All types of manuscripts and papers submitted are subject to peer review.

If the author is not a full-time SSTU employee or applicant, his/her manuscript can be accompanied with an independent review done by an independant review (not a SSTU emploee either). This independent review should be signed by a person with a scientific degree. The review is to be signed and stamped by the official representative of the Institution / Organization in which the reviewer works.

For independent peer reviewing the Editorial Board establishes Peer Reviewing Institution with the members of the Editorial Board and leading Russian specialists in the corresponding scientific fields being its peer reviewers. The members of this Peer Reviewing Institution are approved by the Editor in Chief.



The journal is published quarterly.



Журнал находится в открытом доступе. Это означает, что все содержимое доступно бесплатно для пользователей. Открытый доступ предполагает, что пользователям разрешается читать, скачивать, копировать, распространять, печатать, искать или находить полные тексты статей журнала по ссылке без предварительного разрешения от издателя и автора. Данная политика основана на принципах открытого доступа, рекомендуемых DOAJ.

Издание проводит политику обеспечения максимальной доступности опубликованных материалов для ученых-исследователей. Все статьи архивных и текущих выпусков журнала размещены в режиме открытого доступа на сайте издания, а также на платформах российских и зарубежных электронных библиотек и информационных баз в сети Интернет. Использование материалов журнала в коммерческих целях не допускается.



Журнал использует сеть PKP Preservation Network (PKP PN) для электронной архивации всех опубликованных статей. PKP PN является частью инфраструктуры программы резервного копирования данных LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe), обеспечивающей децентрализованное и распределенное хранение, бесперебойный доступ и восстановление подлинной исходной версии контента в случае утраты его издателем.

Также электронные копии опубликованных статей хранятся в Научной электронной библиотеке (eLibrary.ru)



The journal's editorial board permits and even encourages authors to post the published articles on their personal webpages and their organizations' websites, with a reference to the original publication on this website.



The journal articles are indexing in:

The journal is integrated in CrossRef search systems.

The issue details are publishing in ULRICH’S Periodical Directory.
