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1. Current Guidances weredeveloped based on Recommendations of the Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) of Russian Ministry of Education and  Science, International Committee of Medical Journal Editors, (ICMJE), Enhancing the Quality and Transparency of Health Research (EQUATOR) Network, and Recommendations of the Association of Science Editors and Publishers (ANRI).

2. Before submitting an article, please read the following information:

  • Thematic Scope and Sections in the Journal indicated in the section: “Information about Journal” at the Journal site
  • Statement concerning the Publication Ethics principles upheld by Editor which can be seen at the site…The Journal follows to Recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

By submitting the manuscript the authors confirm themselves to agree with the rules and principles listed below

3. Accompanying files

Accompanying files include

  • Cover letter about submitting the manuscript for publication.
    The letter must both be signed by every author mentioned in the manuscript and also have the visa of the managers of institutions (or departments) where the work was carried out.
  • Copy of the conclusion of the Ethics Committee (if necessary).
  • Informed consent from patients (or legal representatives) to publish personal medical data (if necessary).

4. Authorship

The authors of the article may be persons who made a significant contribution to the work, revision or correction, the final approval for publication, as well as responsible for the integrity of all parts of the manuscript. The person performing a role in the preparation of this article (statisticians, language, technical staff, and others.), may be contained in the section of the article “Acknowledgments” in Russian, English or both languages.

It is necessary to specify the share of authors (Contribution) in the writing of the manuscript in Russian and English. For each author, it should be indicated at what stage of the creation of the manuscript he was involved.

Marital authorship is unacceptable.

The number of authors of the article must be reasonable: in the original papers - without limitation, in reviews 3 – 4 persons. Authors should provide links to their accounts on http://orcid.org if they have. The account must be fulfilled in English including links to publications

More information about authorship can be found at the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (available at ICMJE.org)

5. Acknowledgments

If the research and/or preparation of the manuscript had financial support, it is necessary to indicate the source of funding. If there was no financial support, one needs to indicate its absence. This information should be provided in Russian and English after the text of the manuscript in the section "Acknowledgments". If the authors used the services of editorial/brokerage agencies, you should thank them for their ethical participation in this section. See paragraph 9 of the Sarajevo Declaration https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5209927/pdf/CroatMedJ_57_0527.pdf.

6. Conflict of interest

The authors are obliged to report any actual or potential conflicts of interest. Conflict of interest can be considered as any situation, able to influence on the author of the manuscript and lead to concealment, misrepresentation or change interpretation of data. The presence of a conflict of interest with one or more of the authors is not a reason for the refusal in the publication of the article. If editors reveal the concealing of potential and apparent conflicts of interest on the part of the authors the examination and publication of the manuscript can be refused.

The information on the identifying of potential conflicts of interest must be described in the section “Conflict of interest” in both Russian and English. If there is no conflict of interest authors must declare it.

Learn more about how conflicts of interest at http://publicationethics.org 

7. Plagiarism and duplicate publications

The unfair textual borrowing and appropriation of research results that do not belong to the authors of the manuscript are forbidden.

The article can be checked on originality using services https://www.antiplagiat.ru/ (for texts in Russian) and http://www.plagiarism.org/ (for texts in English). The editors keep the right to verify incoming manuscripts for plagiarism. Text similarity of over 20% is considered unacceptable. Printed in other journals articles are not accepted.

7. Plagiarism and secondary publications

Using unfair textual borrowing, reproducing ideas, graphic or tabular elements, and assigning research results that do not belong to the authors of the submitted manuscript is unethical and unacceptable.

Mentioned results of works by other authors should be accompanied by references to primary sources that should be included in the list of references. Quoting a previously published text should be enclosed in quotation marks indicating the source.

If plagiarism is detected in an already published article, it is to be subject to retraction (withdrawal).

To check the article for originality is possible by using the services https://www.antiplagiat.ru/ (for Russian-language texts) and http://www.plagiarism.org/ (for English-language texts). The Editor checks the received manuscripts for plagiarism through the Antiplagiat system (https://www.antiplagiat.ru/). Text similarity of more than 20% is considered unacceptable. It is forbidden to send to the editor works already published or sent to other publishers

8. Editing

The editors retain the right to reduce and edit submitted manuscripts. The date of receipt of the article is considered the time of receipt of the final (processed) version of the manuscript in case of its revision after review.

9. Submitting the manuscripts

Manuscripts and accompanying documents can be submitted to the Editor by one out the following ways:

    • downloading files with the text of the manuscript along with the accompanying documents and auxiliary materials on-line
    • by e-mail to the address indicated on the journal web-site

10. Requirements for manuscripts submitted to the journal.

10.1 Manuscript text format. The text should be typed with Times New Roman or Arial, font size 12, with 1.5 spacing between lines, all fields of  2 cm wide.   The text should be paginated. Automatic hyphenation must not be used Вся текстовая часть статьи должна быть записана в 1 файле (резюме, ключевые слова, текст статьи, таблицы, список цитированной литературы, сведения об авторах); файл с текстом статьи должен быть назван по фамилии первого автора статьи (Иванов. Текст). The all text-edible compartments of the manuscript should be enveloped in one file (title page, summary, keywords, main text, tables, list of references, information about the authors. The file must be named on the surname of the first author (Ivanov_Text). The drawings and scanned documents are downloaded as separate files. The name of each file must contain the surname of the first author (e.g. Ivanov_Figure).

10.2 Complete text volume. The complete text volume of original investigations, literature reviews and lectures should not exceed 18 pages (including illustrations, tables, summary, and references), descriptions of clinical cases, reviews and informational messages - 3 pages.

10.3 Manuscript language. Written in Russian or English manuscripts are received for the publication in Journal from any country. If desired, authors can provide the full text of the manuscript both in Russian and in English. Poor-quality translations of the full texts are not edited either published. Articles in English can be published without translation into Russian (except for article metadata) or with full or partial translation (names and captions to figures, tables).

10.4 Frontpage. The title page should begin with the metadata of the article, presented first in Russian, then in English:

    • 1) surname, initials of the authors. 
      If there are several authors, each surname and the corresponding institution is affixed with a digital index. If all authors of the article work in one institution, it is not necessary to indicate the place of work of each author separately, it is enough to indicate the institution once. If the author works in several institutions, each of them is indicated by a separate digital index.
    • 2) the title of the article (to improve citation, it is recommended not to give geographical indications in the title of the article).
    • 3) the full name of the institution in which each author works in the nominative case with the obligatory indication of the status of the institution (an abbreviation before the name) and affiliation department
    • 4) postal code of the institution, city, country
    • 5) resume text (200-250 words)
    • 2) title of the article (to increase citation rate, it is recommended not to give toponyms in the title of the article)
    • 6) keywords: (separated by semicolons)
    • 7) information for citation
    • 8) contact information about the author responsible for correspondence
    • 9) contribution of authors in the preparing of the manuscript
    • 10) information on financial support for the article
    • 11) information on the presence/absence of a conflict of interest
    • 12) author account at http://orcid.org

The ORCID account includes last name and first name of the author, alternative spellings author’s contact information, author’s contact information (e-mail, website), name of the organization where the author works, a position held in the organization, other identifiers of the author, for example, in Scopus, list of author’s works (with DOI and/or link to Scopus), list grants in which the author participated. The main language for indicating information on the http://orcid.org  profile page is English. Translation of information about the author in Russian and any other languages is welcomed.

Аda R. Аrtemenkо1, Olga A. Shavlovskaya1, Vera V. Оsipovа2,3, Gennadiy V. Kovrov4, Rovshan L. Gasanov5

Sleep-related headaches: clinical features and treatment approaches

1I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University), 119991, Moscow, Russian Federation;
2University Headache Clinic, Moscow, 121467, Russian Federation;
3Z.P. Solovyov Moscow Center of Psychoneurology, Moscow, 115419, Russian Federation;
4MEDSI Clinical and Diagnostic Center, Moscow, 123242, Russian Federation;
5A. Aliev Azerbaijan State Institute of Physicians Training, Baku, AZ1012, Azerbaijan

Abstract (200-250 words)


For citation: Аrtemenkо А.R., Shavlovskaya O.A., Оsipovа V.V., Kovrov G.V., Gasanov R.L. Sleep-related headaches: clinical features and treatment approaches. Nevrologicheskiy Zhurnal imeni L.O. Badalyana (L.O. Badalyan Neurological Journal). (In Russian)

For correspondence: Ada R. Artemenko, MD, Ph.D., DSci., associate professor of the Department of nervous diseases of the Professional education institute, leading researcher of the Department of Neurology of the I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University), Moscow, 119991, Russian Federation. Е-mail: aartemenko@gmail.com

Information about authors:

Shavlovskaya O.A., https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3726-0730


Artemenkо А.R. — concept, writing text.

Shavlovskaya O.A. — writing text.

Оsipovа V.V. — editing.

Kovrov G.V. — concept, editing.

Gasanov R.L. — editing;

All co-authors – responsibility for the integrity of all parts of the manuscript and approval of its final version.

Conflict of interest. The authors declare no conflict of interest.

Acknowledgment. The study had no sponsorship.

10.5 Layout of the text of the original articles. The structure of original articles must follow the format IMRAD (Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion). The layout of the original articles must be as follows: abstract and keywords, introduction, material and methods, results, discussion, conclusions, a list of references,  figure captions in the presence of graphics.

The introduction provides a brief overview of relevant data, a critical assessment of the literature related to the problem under consideration, substantiation of the novelty and significance of the study in terms of global view (not only in terms of a given city or country), but there are also identified unresolved issues and set formulated goals and tasks that explain the further study. Each article's keyword should be reflected in the introduction. It is recommended to avoid long analyzes and long historical excursions.

The section "Materials and Methods" should contain: where and when the study was conducted; inclusion and exclusion criteria for patients, experimental animals; description of the research method (cohort, prospective, randomized drug trial, retrospective, series of observations); a detailed description of a new preparation, method, modification, experiment, surgical intervention in a certain sequence; a brief description of the protocol (Standard Operating Protocol - SOP).

Methods published earlier should be accompanied with references: the author describes only the changes.

In the works presenting the results of scientific research, there should be used modern methods of statistical processing of data, which must be described in the section of the article “Materials and Methods”.

In statistical analysis there is mandatory: calculation of sample size based on statistical power; determination of normality of distribution according to Kolmogorov-Smirnov or Shapiro-Wilk; detailed presentation of logistic or linear regression analysis models (determinants and covariants); statistical package and version.

The presentation of the results and discussion in one section is prohibited

The results should be clear and concise. Data should be presented in absolute numbers and in percent, 95% confidence interval (95 CI%) and p-value should be indicated. Error bars are required at all points of the experimental and calculated data with an explanation in the text of how these errors were established.

The discussion should contain a convincing explanation of the results, their importance is shown.

In the case of computational studies, the results obtained should be compared with the data from published experimental works, if this is possible.

The submitted experimental papers should be presented according to the "Rules for conducting work using experimental animals." In addition to the species, gender and number of animals used, the authors must indicate the methods of anesthesia used during the painful procedures and methods of killing the animals. It is necessary to indicate whether the given numerical values ​​are primary or derivative, to give the limits of accuracy, reliability, confidence intervals, estimates, recommendations, accepted or rejected hypotheses, discussed in the article.

10.6. Design of reviews. The review should be denoted as a literature review following the title of the manuscript. The compilation of the reviews is desirable to be in line with international recommendations on systematic literature search methods and standards. Summaries of review articles should contain information on literature search methods in the databases of Scopus, Web of Science, MedLine, The Cochrane Library, EMBASE, Global Health, CyberLeninka, RSCI, and others. The word “review” should be included in the keywords of review articles.

The title of a systematic review should include the word “systematic review”. Detailed information regarding the preparation of reviews can be found at PRISMA website (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses). The  discussion of the material considered, the presentation of the own concepts of authors is a mandatory part of the review.

10.7 Paperwork of clinical case reports. An article of this format should contain information on the relevance of the case in question, a description of the patient’s condition at the time of the first contact with the medical staff, changes in the patient’s condition during the observation, the results of physical, laboratory and instrumental studies, treatment, data on the outcome and results of the follow-up observation.

Consent of the patient. Before submitting an article to the journal, it is necessary to get informed consent from patients (or legal representatives) to publish personal medical dataсопроводит. This requirement of the law applies to both living patients and dead ones.

In this section, you must indicate that the patient (you) voluntarily signed an informed consent to publish personal medical information in an impersonal form (in this particular journal). The scanned image of the signed informed consent should be sent to the editor as a separate file along with the manuscript and other accompanying documents.

In this section, one must indicate that the patient (you) voluntarily signed an informed consent to publish personal medical information in an impersonal form (in this particular journal). The scanned image of the signed informed consent should be sent to the editor as a separate file along with the manuscript and other accompanying documents.

Keywords must include the term "clinical case". Clinical cases, designed according to the CARE guidelines are preferable. The CARE recommendations can be found at  http://care-statement.org 

10.8 Standards. All terms and definitions must be scientifically valid, their spelling (both Russian and Latin) must comply with the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Medical Terms (2001, 2nd edition, edited by V.I. Pokrovsky, "Medicine", http://www.twirpx.com/file/123175/). Medicines should be listed only in the international non-proprietary names that are used first, then, if necessary, several trade names of the drugs registered in Russia are given with State Register of Medicines).URL: https://zdravmedinform.ru/grls/medicaments.html

All terms and definitions must be scientifically valid. Drugs should be given only in international nonproprietary names.

The description of inherited (familial) disease should comply with the international classification of inherited conditions in humans (Mendelian Inheritance in Man).

The manuscript may be accompanied by a glossary of terms (appeared to be unclear). In addition to the common abbreviations of units, physical, chemical and mathematical values and terms (e.g., DNA) abbreviations for combinations of words often repeated in the text are allowed. All letter symbols and abbreviations should be explained in the text at their first occurrence. The abbreviation for a single word is prohibited. The doses of drugs and units of various indices should be given according to the International System of Units (SI).

10.9 Abstracts. The Abstract should state only the essential facts of the work and should not contain “vague generalities”. For original investigations, the abstract should be designed similar to the main text including such sections as an introduction, “aim and tasks”, methods, results, conclusion. Subject, topic, the purpose of the work are specified in the event if they are not clear from the article title. The methodology of the work is described in the case if it is new and can be interesting for readers. The abstract should begin with the information contained on the front page. The number of words in the abstract must be strictly between 200 and 250 words. The abstract should be accompanied by keywords or word combinations that reflect the main topic of the article and facilitates the classification in electronic databases. Keywords must be separated by a semicolon. Author ' surnames are recommended to be transliterated in the same way as in their previous publications if they are not available – as in their foreign passport or using the software “translit with BGN (Board of Geographic Names) settings -  URL: https://translit.ru/ru/bgn/. Authors of reports in English are specified in the “John Y. Smith” format. Affiliations should be described with the official English version of their names. Abstract and keywords should be presented both in Russian and in English. Keywords in English should be taken from the organized dictionary Medline (MeSH, EMtree…).

10.10 Requirements for illustrations. 

General issues. Each image should be provided as a separate file. Files with graphic images should include the surname of the first author (Ivanov. Figure 1).

A single system of letter designations and image scaling should be used.

Images in the text should sequentially be numbered.

Maximum image size: on width - 180 mm, height - 230 mm.

The image fonts: Arial, Courier, Times New Roman, Symbol or similar fonts. Inscriptions in the drawings should be, if possible, replaced by letters, and explained in the text or the figure captions. Links to pictures (and tables) are given in the main text, and its location (by the first mention) is indicated in the left margin.

Formats. Black and white line art: file format – TIFF (.tiff extension *), any program that supports this format (Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, etc…); mode – bitmap; Resolution 600 dpi (Adobe Photoshop); possible to use LZW compression or other.

Black and white drawings tone (grayscale), color tone drawings (RGB, CMYK)

format-tiff file (extension .tiff) Resolution 300 dpi (Adobe Photoshop)

Vector Graphics: extension ai, created in Adobe Illustrator CS6.

If an electronic graphic image created in a Microsoft Office application (Word, PowerPoint, Excel), then it should be given in the same format.

Do not send:

    • Files formatted to display on the screen (for example, GIF, BMP, PICT, WPG); they tend to have a low resolution and a limited set of colors;
    • Files with a very low resolution;
    • Three-dimensional images;
    • Figures published previously in other works. The editors reserve the right to verify the figures for plagiarism through Google Images.

10.11 Figure and photos captions. Figure and photos captions should be grouped and given on a separate page in both languages, following the data for Russian Science Citation Index. Each figure should have a common header and decryption of all acronyms. In the captions to chart, it must be both indicated the designation of the axes of abscissas and ordinates and units and provided with an explanation of each curve. The captions for photomicrographs must indicate the color method and scale factor.

10.12 Design of tables. The table number (when the tab.le is not a single one) must be designated above right the table.  The name of the table is given below in both languages. Abbreviations in the tables are not allowed. All values in the tables must comply with the same values in the main text. Tables can be incorporated inside of the main text. The point should be used as the decimal symbol.

10.13 Mathematical formulas. Mathematical equations should be presented as an editable text, not in the form of images. The variables should be designed in italics. Equations should be numbered in order.

10.14 References lists. 

In the journal, there is applied Vancouver reference style (references are numbered as mentioned in the main text not alphabetically).

In original articles, it is desirable to cite no more than 40, for literature reviews – 60, for lectures or other papers – 15 references. Bibliographic references in the main text are indicated by numbers in square brackets.

Ensure that all references cited in the text are described in the reference list (and vice versa).

Preferably the bibliography should contain publications over the last 5-7 years, primarily articles from journals,  highly cited publications, indexed by Scopus and Web of Science. References should be verifiable.

When the citation is created as reference the authors of the cited reports should be indicated in the same order as in the original article (if the publication has more than 6 authors, then after the 6th author, the abbreviation "... etc." or ".. ., et al. ") should be used.

It is unacceptable to shorten the title of the article and the name of the domestic journal. The name of the English language journals should be given according to the MedLine database name catalog. If the journal is not indexed in MedLine, there must be indicated its full name.

Cited URL sites should be reliable and durable. At a minimum, you should give the full URL-address and the date on which a reference has been made available. In all cases when a cited report is associated with DOI (Digital Object Identifier — DOI) it must be indicated at the very and of the reference.

The checking for the presence of the articles doi is available at http://search.crossref.org/ or https://www.citethisforme.com. To get DOI one needs to enter the name of the article in English into the search bar

Do not refer to an unpublished, refracted (withdrawn from the press) article. Self-citations are undesirable, except when it is necessary (in reviews not more than 3 – 5 matches).

In the case when it is possible do not refer either the thesis or author's abstract. It is better to refer to the works published on the materials of dissertation research.

References are included in the English block of the manuscript also and, accordingly, should be described not only in the original language but also in the Latin alphabet (Roman alphabet). Therefore, the references must be provided in two versions: one in the original language (list "Literature") and in a separate block the same list of references - in the Roman alphabet ("References").

If an article or other report is written in Latin (in English, German, Italian, etc.), they should be quoted in the original form:

    • Axén I. Pain-related sleep disturbance: A prospective study with repeated measures. Clin. J. Pain. 2016; 32(3): 254-9. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1097/AJP.0000000000000249

If the article is not written in English, you must indicate in parentheses the original language, for example: (in German).

    • Moll G.H., Heinrich H., Rothenberger A. Transkranielle Magnetstimulation in der Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie: Exzitabilität des motorischen Systems bei Tic-Störungen und/oder Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-/ Hyperaktivitätsstörungen. Z. Kinder Jugendpsychiatr. Psychother. 2001; 29(4): 312-23. DOI: http://doi.org/10.1024//1422-4917.29.4.312 (in German)

If the article or other report is written not in Latin - in Cyrillic (including in Russian), Chinese, etc., in the list of "Literature" it must be cited in the original language.

Description of the article from the journal:

      • Verma R., Nagar K.K., Garg R.K., Uniyal R., Sharma P.K., Pandey S. Study of sleep disorders and polysomnographic evaluation among primary chronic daily headache patients. J. Neurosci. Rural. Pract. 2016; 7(Suppl. 1): 72-5. DOI: http://doi.org/10.4103/0976-3147.196469

Description of the book:

      • Newman L.C., Mosek A. Hypnic headaches. In: Olesen J., Goadsby P.J., Ramadan N.M., Tfelt-Hansen P., Welch K.M.A., eds. The Headaches. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2006: 847-9.

11. Attributive materials

The submitted manuscript may be supplied with any video and audio materials designed to help readers more fully disclose and understand scientific research. These can be brief presentations in the style of a webinar, a video of an experiment or medical manipulation. Additional materials may be posted in the electronic version of the journal.

12. Information for RSCI.

After the references additional information about each author is required to process the journal in the Russian Science Citation Index: entirely in Russian and in transliteration, academic degree, academic title, position, affiliation name (s), zip code, city, country, e-mail for contacts with the authors of the article (it can be used one e-mail for all authors).

13. Retraction (removal) of articles.

Retraction of an already published article is the last resort and is implemented in case of disclosure of facts that were not known during the review:

  • identifying violations of law and defamation;
  • detection of false or inaccurate data, especially those whose use may pose a health risk;
  • borrowing volume of more than 20%.

14. A detailed presentation of the paragraphs “Uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals” developed by the International Committee of editors of medical journals, in particular ethical issues, can be found at www.ICMJE.org




  • Absence of plagiarism.  The authors guarantee that this article has not been published in whole or in part, and is not under consideration or in the process of publication in another publication.

  • Correct manuscript format. Manuscript file format is Microsoft Word (has the extension *.doc, *.docx, *.rtf). The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

  • Anonymity. All information allowing to identify authors is removed from the text of the manuscript and from the metadata of the file.

  • Resume (abstract) is designed in accordance with the requirements and do not exceed the limit.

  • Illustrations. Tables and figures were placed within the text of the manuscript and have their titles.

  • Bibliography. The list of references is formatted in accordance with the requirements. All the cited sources were checked for DOI.

  • Supplementary files. The authors have prepared for transfer to the editor

    • file containing full information about the authors (Surname, first name, place of work, e-mail address);
    • Graphic files (photos, satellite images, graphics, etc.).
    • The authors are ready to upload these files to the journal website in Step 4 during the manuscript submission process.
  • The authors confirm that:

    • all participants who have made a significant contribution to the study are presented as co-Authors;
    • those who did not participate in the study are not listed as co-Authors;
    • all co-Authors have seen and approved the final version of the work and agreed to submit it for publication.


При подаче статьи и сопровождающих файлов к публикации в журнале автор (а также все соавторы данного произведения, если оно создано в соавторстве) должны согласиться с предоставлением издательству исключительных прав использования произведения на безвозмездной основе (исключительную и безвозмездную лицензию) на территории России и зарубежных стран в следующих пределах и объёме:

  • право на воспроизведение Произведения (опубликование, обнародование, дублирование, тиражирование или иное размножение Произведения) без ограничения тиража экземпляров. При этом каждый экземпляр Произведения должен содержать имя автора Произведения;

  • право на распространение Произведения любым способом;

  • право на включение в составное произведение;

  • право на доведение до всеобщего сведения;

  • право на использование метаданных (название, имя автора (правообладателя), аннотации, библиографические материалы и пр.) Произведений путем распространения и доведения до всеобщего сведения, обработки и систематизации, а также включения в различные базы данных и информационные системы;

  • право переуступить на договорных условиях частично или полностью полученные по настоящему договору права третьим лицам без выплаты Лицензиару вознаграждения.

Авторам необходимо скачать, заполнить, распечатать, подписать, отсканировать и направить в составе пакета документов в формате PDF ЛИЦЕНЗИОННЫЙ ДОГОВОР.



The editorial Board of the journal and the administration of the website of the journal do not transfer personal information in any way specified by the users when working with the website of the journal to third parties, except for those cases and to the extent specified in the terms of the copyright agreement.

The affiliation work and e-mail address of the authors of the manuscript accepted for publication will be published in the section "information about the authors" of the printed version of the journal and in the section "about the authors" on the page of the article on the website of the journal.

The phone number of the corresponding author will be known only to the editorial Board Secretariat and will only be used in cases of emergency.

