Practical aspects of assessing the digital maturity of industrial companies in the context of piloting innovation in digital services of the State Industry Information System

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Currently, the problems of assessing the digital maturity of the lower level of the economy are the low involvement of leading digital industrial companies in the formation and updating of the methodology for assessing the level of digital maturity of industry business, as well as the lack of practical testing of the proposed changes in the questionnaire of the digital passport in the State Industry Information System. In order to overcome these challenges, ANO Digital Economy and the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation are piloting innovation in the digital passport module of the State Industry Information System. The article presents the results of a pilot project to test updated methodological recommendations for a digital passport of an industrial company: a system of three "wells", 27 directions and 123 subdirectories of assessment; the results of assessing digital maturity of eight leaders of industrial digitalization, as well as levels of digital maturity in the context of basic, auxiliary and technological processes. Additionally, the level of digital maturity in the direction of artificial intelligence is specified. Digital maturity and digital readiness should not be synonymized. Digital maturity is the target image of the result. Thus, digital readiness should be considered as a set of digital skills and knowledge of employees, their digital literacy, as well as trust in services implemented during digital transformation.FUNDING.The study was carried out with the financial support of the RFBR in the framework of scientific project No. 20-010-00942 A.

About the authors

Elena Vitalevna Shkarupeta

Voronezh State Technical University



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