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卷 4, 编号 3 (2023)



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Transformation of managers' competencies in the context of the introduction of artificial intelligence technologies

Yakovleva M., Morokhotova D., Kargina Y.


The article discusses issues related to the influence of artificial intelligence on the work of managers. A survey was conducted among students and staff of Bauman Moscow State Technical University on the topic of choosing the necessary competencies for specialists when interacting with artificial intelligence technologies. The main areas in the work of middle managers where it is most appropriate to implement systems based on artificial intelligence are highlighted. The authors propose steps to improve the efficiency of the implementation of such systems, their advantages and disadvantages of the introduction of AI technologies, examples of implementation at enterprises and other relevant statistics. The article will be useful for specialists who assume the introduction of modern technologies in the activities of departments or organizations as a whole.
Informatization in the Digital Economy. 2023;4(3):207-224
pages 207-224 views

Companies' innovative activity in the conditions of digitalization

Yanchenko E.


Innovative activity in modern conditions is actively developing in the direction of creating and introducing digital technology, products and services into business practice. In the course of the research, the following tasks were solved. The main directions of the innovation activity development in connection with the digitalization of the economy were clarified. The transformation under the influence of the digitalization factor of the subject composition of innovation activity was shown. The essence of the innovation ecosystem as a result of the development of innovation activity was determined. The analysis of some indicators of digital and information technology available from official sources is carried out. Using the method of correlation analysis, the relationship between the processes of digital transformation and innovation activity in the Russian economy is evaluated. Empirical analysis of the data allowed comparing federal districts by correlation coefficients of the volumes of shipped innovative goods and the costs of their creation.
Informatization in the Digital Economy. 2023;4(3):225-242
pages 225-242 views

Designing high-tech venture enterprises (tech startups)

Chichagov A.


The article describes the concept and architecture of a high-tech venture enterprise (technology startup), the life cycle of an innovative scientific and technical project, and the business process of organizing a venture enterprise. The modern Agile methodology of the DevOps 2.0 development process and the scenario of the workflow of a knowledge-intensive micro-enterprise are considered. Simple and understandable illustrations of structural and functional models of a high-tech enterprise are proposed. A model of a virtual venture enterprise and a digital platform for supporting technology startups is formulated.
Informatization in the Digital Economy. 2023;4(3):243-264
pages 243-264 views

Project and process management as a factor of companies' sustainable development in the digital economy

Naugolnova I.


The relevance of the research is manifested in the context of the modern digital economy, where organizations face constant changes and the need to ensure sustainable development. One of the main factors of successful adaptation is approach based on project and process management.The article presents an algorithm for the implementation of the project-process approach at the company, which contributes to systemic changes in the organizational structure and culture, as well as rethinking business processes.The article highlights key methods of project and process management, such as Agile, Scrum, and Six Sigma. This allows to create a balanced management system at all levels of the organization. The article also presents the systematization of digital tools correlated with the stages of the project life cycle. From planning to monitoring and analysis of results, these tools enrich the practice of project and process management, increasing their efficiency and adaptability.
Informatization in the Digital Economy. 2023;4(3):265-278
pages 265-278 views

Differentiated approach to the definition of Artificial Intelligence: system validity and methodological necessity

Ogarkov G.


The article is devoted to topical issues of the methodology of artificial intelligence research, namely the determination of artificial intelligence as an object of scientific comprehension. The relevance of the topic of this study is determined, on the one hand, by the rapid growth of the scientific community's interest in artificial intelligence as an object of study, which is confirmed by a growing number of publications, on the other hand, by the lack of both a generally accepted definition of AI and a general approach to its determination as a branch of science.The article states the growing role of artificial intelligence in modern society, the economy and, as a consequence, the escalation of the number of scientific studies. The necessity of a unified methodological approach to the definition of artificial intelligence is substantiated. The existing definitions are given; their differences are analyzed; their grouping by subject is made. The conclusion about the need for a differentiated approach to the definition of artificial intelligence, its definition in a broad and narrow sense is made. Based on a reasonable approach, the definition is given.
Informatization in the Digital Economy. 2023;4(3):279-294
pages 279-294 views

Improving the competitiveness of an industrial company in the era of the digital economy

Naugolnova I., Letunov E.


The relevance of the research is due to the need to increase the level of competitiveness of Russian industrial companies in modern conditions of globalization and digitalization. The research is aimed at substantiating effective directions, tools and methods that contribute to the adaptation of companies to new challenges in the era of the digital economy. The scientific novelty lies in the application of an integrated approach that allows to link the current directions of increasing the competitiveness of industrial companies in the digital economy with the tools and methods used, as well as Russian digital products that contribute to their implementation.
Informatization in the Digital Economy. 2023;4(3):295-306
pages 295-306 views

Statistical evaluation of the contribution of factors of production to the dynamics of economic development of the Russian Federation

Ivanchenko I., Bondarenko G., Pavlenko G.


Исследование выполнено в Ростовском государственном экономическом университете при финансовой поддержке Российского научного фонда в рамках научного проекта 23-28-00931 «Безинфляционный экономический рост российской экономики: возможности и пути достижения в условиях санкций»The study was supported by Russian Science Foundation under scientific project No. 23-28-00931 «Non-inflationary economic growth of the Russian economy: opportunities and ways to achieve in the conditions of sanctions»
Informatization in the Digital Economy. 2023;4(3):307-323
pages 307-323 views