«A brilliant teacher and popularizer»: Professor Pavel Nikolaevich Kashkin (1902-1991)

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The essay based on archival materials reveals the major milestones in the biography, scientific, pedagogical, and public activities of the eminent scientist, professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, and Candidate of Biological Sciences, P.N. Kashkin, who headed the Department of Microbiology at the Leningrad Chemical-Pharmaceutical Institute. He was not only the founder but also one of the initiators of the reorganization of the Chemical-Pharmaceutical Faculty of the 1st Leningrad Medical Institute in the period 1936-1937 and the establishment of the Leningrad Chemical-Pharmaceutical Institute as an independent university. P.N. Kashkin was the author of numerous discoveries, a mentor who raised and inspired a whole generation of scientists. P.N. Kashkin became the initiator and organizer of the world's first Engineering Microbiology Faculty at the LCFI, where he served as the dean. His main task was the training of highly qualified specialists for the developing industry of antibiotics, including antifungal drugs. P.N. Kashkin is the founder of mycosis epidemiology in our country. The name of Professor P.N. Kashkin as a prominent specialist became known among mycologists thanks to his work on organizing the fight against fungal skin diseases. The name of the founder of domestic microbiology, P.N. Kashkin, was assigned to the St. Petersburg Research Institute of Medical Mycology, and in 2005 a monument to this remarkable scientist was erected on the institute's premises.

About the authors

Igor Anatolyevich Narkevich

Saint Petersburg State Chemical and Pharmaceutical University

Email: igor.narkevich@pharminnotech.com
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-5483-6626
SPIN-code: 2992-8878
ResearcherId: O-5337-2018

Rector, Doctor of Pharmacy, Professor

Russian Federation, St. Petersburg

Svetlana A. Vorobeva

Saint-Petersburg State Chemical and Pharmaceutical University

Author for correspondence.
Email: svetlana.vorobieva@pharminnotech.com

Doctor of philosophical sciences, Assistant professor, Head of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines

Russian Federation

Vladimir V. Perelygin

Saint Petersburg State Chemical and Pharmaceutical University

Email: vladimir.pereligin@pharminnotech.com
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-0999-5644
SPIN-code: 3128-7451
Scopus Author ID: 13105602000
ResearcherId: AAV-6556-2020

Dr. Med. Sci., Professor, Head of the Industrial Ecology Department

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Tatiana F. Chernykh

Saint Petersburg State Chemical and Pharmaceutical University

Email: tatiana.odegova@pharminnotech.com
SPIN-code: 9123-2979

D.Sc. in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Microbiology

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Ivan N. Pleshakov

Saint Petersburg State Chemical and Pharmaceutical University

Email: ivan.pleshakov@pharminnotech.com

Ph.D. in Historical Sciences, Associate Professor

Russian Federation, Санкт-Петербург


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