From the editor





Top universities, along with scientific organizations, have been taking a number of measures to modernize science and education and adapt them to the needs of the real sector of the economy in the implementation of the Strategy for Scientific and Technological Development of the Russian Federation until 2035. Most measures have been implemented.


Top universities, along with scientific organizations, have been taking a number of measures to modernize science and education and adapt them to the needs of the real sector of the economy in the implementation of the Strategy for Scientific and Technological Development of the Russian Federation until 2035. Most measures have been implemented.

To date, the Ministry of Science and Education of the Russian Federation is focused on the development of advanced research infrastructure and new employee training closely related to them.

In response to the challenges ahead, suggestions from the Editorial Board members and our readers, the “Pharmacy Formulas” Editorial Council reviewed and approved the proposal to include in the subject area of the journal questions on the problems of pharmaceutical education, scientific discussions on the published articles or on problematic issues within the framework of the scientific sections.

In view of the above, starting from the next issue, the publication will have two new sections, they are: “Pharmaceutical Learning Activity” and “Current Problems: Forum for Discussion”.

Section “Pharmaceutical Learning Activity” is to provide an opportunity for the popularization of scientific knowledge, which is an indispensable part for the learning activity of its participants: professors, undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate students. Besides, this section may cover the following topics: the results of investigations and implementation of best practices in the use of new educational technologies and interdisciplinary approach in the system of training specialists for the pharmaceutical industry. Reviews of new educational literature, published both in Russia and abroad, may be also published.

It is also planned to present previously published scientific results to the student audience in a popular-science form in order to disseminate and popularize scientific achievements. The characteristic features of such publications will be a change in the style of presentation from scientific to popular science, as well as a simplified structure of the text and a decrease in its volume.

In this section, our readers will also have the opportunity to publish selected abstracts and reports prepared for the conferences in the field of educational activities in different research areas.

Materials for publication in the section “Pharmaceutical Learning Activity” may be submitted to the portal page of the journal “Pharmacy Formulas” website:

Section “Current Problems: Forum for Discussion” will focus on current theoretical and practical biomedical, pharmaceutical and biological issues; innovative analysis of experimental research data; identification and discussion of negative results of a research.

We invite the following audience to read our articles and submit materials for publication in our journal: faculty members, graduate and postgraduate students, residents, trainees and research fellows; heads of functional areas of pharmaceutical corporations; civil servants; readers interested in medical and biological sciences.

The authors will be able to communicate via short messages, exchanging their ideas and experience with the readers and to find out their rational position on the most pressing issues of the pharmaceutical industry.

The authors of the materials, in the format of short comments, opinions and judgments, exchange of ideas and experience will be able to quickly find out the reasoned position of the readers on the most pressing issues of the pharmaceutical industry.

We assume that the logical rules of inference will be observed in the course of our discussion, and its goal will be to achieve the truth. The form of discussion is a forum where participants may share their opinions among themselves, with experts and reviewers in various scientific fields.

The discussion may be a kind of controversy, close to polemics, and may be a series of statements related to one topic.

The author determines the topic on which he sets out the idea of the discussion. The Editorial Board determines the opponent independently, according to the scientific area of the discussion. Blind rounds will be held on the principle of blind peer review until the logical conclusion.

Materials for publication in the section “Current Issues: Forum for Discussion” may be submitted to the portal page of the journal “Pharmacy Formulas” website:

We hope that inclusion of new sections in “Pharmacy Formulas” journal confirms our strong commitment to providing our esteemed readers with expert and consulting support with scientific and practical information on educational activity of the universities and will also contribute to the development and improvement of the global scientific community.



Igor Narkevich

Saint-Petersburg State and Chemical Pharmaceutical University

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-5483-6626
SPIN 代码: 2992-8878
Researcher ID: O-5337-2018

D.Sc. in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Head of the Department of Pharmacy Management and Economics, Professor, rector

俄罗斯联邦, Saint-Petersburg

Vladimir Perelygin

Saint-Petersburg State and Chemical Pharmaceutical University

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-0999-5644
SPIN 代码: 3128-7451
Researcher ID: AAV-6556-2020

Doctor of Medicine (MD), Professor, Head of the Industrial Ecology Department

俄罗斯联邦, Saint-Petersburg




版权所有 © Narkevich I.A., Perelygin V.V., 2021

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