Relief of microecological imbalances and barrier dysfunction of the intestinal mucosa in a therapeutic strategy for life-threatening conditions

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Arguments are given about the expediency of early enteral treatment in life-threatening conditions to improve the functions of the intestinal barrier structures, prevent the transformation of the symbiotic microbiome phenotype and translocation of its representatives with the formation or aggravation of a systemic inflammatory response. The expediency of including proteins and beta-glucans and phosphates in the composition of nutritional mixtures was determined. For the purpose of pharmacological support, the possibility of including iron skevingers, valproates as histone acetylase inhibitors, antioxidants, statins and infusion solutions enriched with hydrogen was considered. The implementation of the paradigm of early enteral nutrition will improve the prognosis of patients in intensive care units.

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About the authors

Sergej V. Chepur

State Research Trial Institute of Military Medicine, Ministry of Defence of Russia

Author for correspondence.

Dr. Med. Sci., Professor and Chief

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Nikolaj N. Pluzhnikov

State Research Trial Institute of Military Medicine, Ministry of Defence of Russia


Dr. Med. Sci., Professor, Chief Researcher

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Oleg V. Chubar’

State Research Trial Institute of Military Medicine, Ministry of Defence of Russia


Dr. Med. Sci., Senior Researcher, Deputy Chief

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Vasilij N. Cygan

Kirov Military Medical Academy


Dr. Med. Sci., Professor, Head, Dept of Pathological Physiology

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Larisa S. Bakulina

Burdenko Voronezh State Medical Academy


Dr. Med. Sci., Professor, Head, Dept of Otorhinolaryngology

Russian Federation, Voronezh

Sergej P. Sidorov

State Research Trial Institute of Military Medicine, Ministry of Defence of Russia


PhD, Head, Dept of Resorbtive Toxicology

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Mihail V. Bazhenov

State Research Trial Institute of Military Medicine, Ministry of
Defence of Russia


Hospital Chief, Scientific Clinical Centre

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Aleksej V. Mosin

State Research Trial Institute of Military Medicine, Ministry of Defence of Russia


Head of Division of Anesthesiology and Reanimation, Scientific Clinical Centre

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Mihail V. Vinogradov

State Research Trial Institute of Military Medicine, Ministry of Defence of Russia


Head of Surgery Division, Scientific Clinical Centre

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Roman V. Semakin

State Research Trial Institute of Military Medicine, Ministry of Defence of Russia


Senior Doctor, Surgery Division, Scientific Clinical Centre

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg


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