Disturbances of verbal memory and learning in patients with cerebrovascular diseases and the possibilities of their correction using arginine-vasopressin

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Amnestic disorders are common disturbance in patients with cerebrovascular diseases. A. R. Luria's Test of words reproduction is used more often for assessment of verbal memory in domestically neuropsychology. 10 words in A. R. Luria's Test are quite enough for assessment of short-term of verbal memory. However it is necessary test composed more number of words for designate long-term of verbal memory. In this investigation we used modification of A. R. Luria's Test (Stepanov I. I., et al. 2011). There were revealed decrease of volume of short-term and long-term verbal memory in 25 patients with dyscirculatory encephalopathy and in 10 patients with strokes as compared with control group. 9 patients with stroke received intranasal subendocrine doses of analog of V2-type receptors of arginin-vasopressin, 1-desamino-8-D-arginin-vasopressin, DDAVP. Treatment was carrying out during 10 day with interval of 2 day. There were reviled that DDAVP was not influence on memory of patients with stroke. Further inquiry of ultimate effects of course doses of neuropeptide will determine effects of neuropeptide on verbal memory in patients with stroke.

About the authors

Svetlana Georgiyevna Belokoskova

Institute of Experimental Medicine, NWB RAMS

Email: belokoskova.s@yandex.ru
PhD (Medicine)

Igor Igorevich Stepanov

Institute of Experimental Medicine, NWB RAMS

Email: igorstep@is12044.spb.edu
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Leading researcher

Sergey Georgiyevich Tsikunov

Institute of Experimental Medicine, NWB RAMS

Email: secikunov@yandex.ru
Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor, Head of the Laboratory of Psychophysiology of emotions


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