Vol 12, No 1 (2016)

Cover Page


Kinetics of mechanochemical processing of secondary plant raw in humic acid

Savchuk I.P.


The paper studies the legend genre in linguistic aspect. The linguistic aspect deals with language problems study, as the language is the main communication aid in the knowledge acquisition process. The legend genre will be considered within the framework of this issue. We have analyzed parts of speech, have given a capacious definition of folk legend genre and its main features. As a result of the study morphological features of every part of speech were found.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2016;12(1):9-14
pages 9-14 views

On connection between morphemic and word-formation analyses

Baksheeva M.G.


Modern Russian word formation system involves lexical analysis from different angles: word-to-morpheme analysis or word-to-word analysis, word derivations. Each type of analysis (morphemic and word-formation) is aimed at solving definite problems. However there is no consensus among linguists about connections of the types under consideration. Due to the fact the paper focuses on objectives of morphemic and word-formation analyses, their connection and specificity, algorithms and examples within the university course in word formation.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2016;12(1):15-18
pages 15-18 views

Euphemism as a means of expression of language

Dolzhenko N.G., Prozorova V.O.


One of the urgent problems of modern science - the study of the concrete facts of the language in the system of their relations. Interest in this regard are the euphemisms that are actively intertwined in speech, become sufficiently productive means of language. The article compares the idioms and euphemisms as linguistic units.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2016;12(1):19-22
pages 19-22 views

Feminine beauty in the philosophical and esthetical aspects in the literary texts (on the bases of Alexandr Kerdan works)

Kargapolov E.P., Kargapolova L.A.


There analyse the symbols of feminine beauty in the literary text (on the bases of the works of Ural poet Alexandr Kerdan). The authors study acute issues of feminine love and beauty; there analyse the images of Elena the Beauty, Penelope, Cassiopeia that are used in the works of Alexandr Kerdan.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2016;12(1):23-27
pages 23-27 views

The letter as a component of correspondence in M. Kudryashov’s short story Storm of Letters

Andreyeva L.A.


Many researchers have noted the dialogic structure of the epistolary text. This article analyzes the linguistic realization of constitutive and regulative rules of dialogue-correspondence in Mari writer M. Kudryashov’s short story «Serysh Poran» (Storm of letters), which is compositionally constructed as alternating exchange of letters between main characters. The analysis revealed that modeling of reality is particularly vivid in the correspondence having been described in the short story. The reader learns much about the characters and about the story as a whole from the letters of the characters. Letters are distinguished by the high frequency of forms of address and sentences expressing different emotions and feelings.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2016;12(1):28-35
pages 28-35 views

The analysis of the structural models of the comparisons in the novel text «Martin Eden» by Jack London

Parshukova M.M.


The article is devoted to the analysis of the structural models of the comparisons as an expression means of the language and ways of their introduction in the original text of the novel «Martin Eden» by Jack London. The author classification of the comparisons is drawn up based on the results of the study.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2016;12(1):36-41
pages 36-41 views

The repetition construction as the component of the semantic-structural composition of the sentence (on the material of modern english and tatar language)

Saurbayev R.Z.


The present paper considers the issue of the semantic-structural composition of the simple sentence with the repetition constructions. Syntactic repetition construction expands the sentence not only structurally, but semantically as well. The problem here to be studied based on the contrastive analyses of modern English and Tatar languages which are geographically distant and genetically unrelated languages. The authors isolate structures with repetition in structural and semantic features of the following types: design with repetition evaluation semantics; repetitiondesign with structural-varieties modification; repetition design with the semantic extension

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2016;12(1):42-45
pages 42-45 views

The problem of low validity for students of non-linguistic professions in acquirement of foreign language knowledge

Ilina S.E.


The article with the problem of low motivation for students of non-liguistic professions in language acquisition. The role of a tutor and a student in this process and dependence of the motivation on the value of results obtained by students are determined.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2016;12(1):46-48
pages 46-48 views

The problem of colloquial and low colloquial words differentiating in the Russian language

Valieva L.F.


The article touches upon the problem of the differentiation between two lexical layers of the Russian Language with stylistic marking - colloquial (literal) and low colloquial. The author enumerates general features typical of both groups and pays special attention to the criteria of the differentiation between and low colloquial words, marked in the explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language as “colloquial” and “low colloquial”.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2016;12(1):49-52
pages 49-52 views

The Poet Vladimir Volkovets’Publication

Ryabiy M.M., Ryabiy I.G.


The article includes the publication of V.M. Volkovets as one of the aspects of its literary creative activity. The authors pay their attention to the problem, worrying the writer and hereunder uniting his essayistics with poetry and artistic prose. In this article are shun the main features of V. Volkovets’ publication.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2016;12(1):53-57
pages 53-57 views

Polyethnicity modern Russia

Gaft A.M.


The concepts of "nation", "ethnicity", "ethnicity", "indigenous peoples" from the standpoint of different sciences. Determines main directions of the problem of preservation of the northern ethnic groups and their cultures. It expands to the current state of development of ethnic identity in the Russian Federation.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2016;12(1):58-64
pages 58-64 views

On Well-Servicing Units Maintenance Terms Translation (from English into Russian)

Gilmanova N.S.


The article is devoted to technical terms consequent interpreting in the well-servicing units maintenance process. The author analyses the practical linguistic material and generalizes the most frequent terms translation features, basing on the production process principles and the interpreter’s competence. Works by Latyshev L., Alimov V., Catford J. G. and others served as the basis for the research.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2016;12(1):65-72
pages 65-72 views

Concerning semantic models russian preproposition offers

Dolzhenko N.G.


One of the urgent problems of modern science - the study of the concrete facts of the language in the system of their relations at different levels. Interest in this plan represent deverbative nouns, and syntactic structures, which are based on these names. In the proposal deverbative able to perform a variety of functions, making as logical-semantic and structural complication. The article presents a method of describing semantic models preproposition simple sentences with deverbative in the role of senior independent member (subject) of the data syntax, given as an example of one of such models.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2016;12(1):73-78
pages 73-78 views

On distinction between emotionality, evaluativity and expressivity

Telitsyna E.L.


This article is devoted to the distinction between concepts such as emotionality, evaluativity and expressivity. Shades of meaning of evaluative vocabulary are also considered in the article.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2016;12(1):79-83
pages 79-83 views

Somatic lexicon in Tobolsk «Travnik XVIII century»

Vykhristyuk M.S.


The article describes the operation of somatic vocabulary in the text of Tobolsk «Travnik XVIII century». Names of parts of the human body have different origins and structure. The formation of somatic lexicon in the XVIII century, influenced by folk observation, European medical knowledge, as evidenced by the presence in its composition of lexical doublets, homonyms, synonyms, as well borrowing

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2016;12(1):84-87
pages 84-87 views

An appeal to russian society and language in diachronic and synchronic aspects

Dolzhenko N.G., Vekshina О.A.


The changes that have occurred in our country since the mid 80-ies of the last century, reflect Silis in all areas of life-not Russian and Russian-speaking-society. The language is most sensitively reacted to all positive and negative consequences of what happened and what is happening today. The article is a description of the appeals of foreign countries and Russia from 17 to 19 century, USSR of the 20 century and compare with cases in the modern Russian society.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2016;12(1):88-91
pages 88-91 views

On the question of historical sources epic novel L. N. Tolstoy's "War and Peace "

Ivaschenko T.S.


Offered for publication paper is devoted to the problem of the relation of historical documentary and artistic interpretations of World War II events of 1812 in the epic novel "War and Peace" LN Tolstoy. The importance of research theme is obvious, as the debate continues and is now on this issue. The author focuses on the final stage of the work of the writer, describes the events of 1812, since this part of the novel was subjected to most criticism, both contemporaries and subsequent generations of researchers of his work.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2016;12(1):92-100
pages 92-100 views

Intonation structure of interrogative sentences

Malikova J.M.


This article seeks to examine the intonation in the concretetion interrogative sentence - s . We consider their main function in pronunciation . And just as expressive and emotionalness affects the intonation in speech.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2016;12(1):101-104
pages 101-104 views

Factors of Increasing the German Language Learning Motivation in University Students

Vladimirova S.V.


This article is devoted to study of students motivation decrease in learning the German Language, and to the study of the ways it can be increased. The author analyses the received results and suggests effective educational ways and technologies. The basis for the research are the works by R. Gardner and W. Lambert, by Zoltan Dörneyi, K. Rimer, L. Bozhovich, I. Zimnaya, Kuzovleva N.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2016;12(1):105-110
pages 105-110 views

Psychological health of the person as a condition of successful socialization

Aivarova N.G.


The article deals with the formation of the psychological health of the person and its role in socialization. There is concepts of "mental health" and "mental health" disclosed and the main factors of psychological health described.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2016;12(1):113-115
pages 113-115 views

Psychological characteristics of abilities for musical improvisation

Gilmanov S.A.


The article is devoted to the psychological characteristics of talent for musical improvisation. The author believes that the ability of musical improvisation grow out of general and special musical abilities, are formed and developed only in the improvisational activities based on the simultaneous integration and differentiation methods of presentation "semantic units" of improvisation. This improvisation goes to artistic image, in which there is "non-musical", socio-cultural content. The article presents data from several empirical studies of the author.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2016;12(1):116-123
pages 116-123 views

To the question of spiritual and moral education of student youth

Eremeeva L.I.


The article touches upon the problems of spiritually-moral education of students, issues related to moral guidance in life goals, the ratio of students to career choice factors that influenced the formation of their personality, the attitude of students toward healthy lifestyles, and ways of solving problems spiritually-moral education of students.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2016;12(1):124-129
pages 124-129 views

Life as category of the humanities

Kozyreva T.V.


On the basis of concepts of various researchers in article the analysis of a phenomenon life from a position of the humanities is given. The author allocates problems which thinkers through the appeal to this concept tried to solve, logical difficulties of the conceptual image of life are shown, fundamental categories for definition of life are allocated, the objective structures displaying life are designated. Work is guided by Diltey, Gusserl, Heidegger, Zimmel, Spengler's concepts, Ortega-and-Gasseta.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2016;12(1):130-138
pages 130-138 views

Brick brands of the Tyumen region of the end XVII - the beginnings of XX centuries

Memyachkin K.A.


The article is written on the survey results, the stone monuments of culture and architecture. Can be used for your catalog on brick stamps Urals Federal District.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2016;12(1):139-143
pages 139-143 views

On the question of the formation of social and communicative, social and information competence in the process of studying the discipline "Psychology"

Pichugina I.V.


The article characterized by the methods and means of forming social and communicative, social and information competence in the teaching process at the university. In particular, it addresses the issue of the use of interactive teaching methods in the study of discipline "Psychology".

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2016;12(1):144-151
pages 144-151 views

Motives of choice of high school and the profession of modern youth (on the example of Ugra state University’s freshmen)

Timoshkina M.V., Naumova M.V.


The article touches upon the motives of choice of high school and the profession. In the sociological research it was revealed that in most cases the choice of profession takes place superficially, without adequate representation of the work. That is why it is necessary to adjust the system of career guidance.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2016;12(1):152-157
pages 152-157 views

Communication training as a form of interactive learning

Shabalina S.D.


The article touches upon the advantages of communication training as an interactive form of learning in increasing students competencies and modern approaches to trainings, its components, which provides effectiveness in forming communication skills of students.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2016;12(1):158-161
pages 158-161 views

The attitude of students of the Humanitarian Institute for healthy living and physical fitness

Vladimirov N.M., Vladimirova G.L.


Healthy lifestyle, physical culture and sports are the main principles of life of most young people. But not all students are aware of the need of visiting the physical training, Smoking cessation and alcohol abuse. The reasons for this attitude on the example of students of Humanitarian Institute of the South is presented in the article.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2016;12(1):165-166
pages 165-166 views

Motoractivity as afactor of improvementofthe younger generation

Dorovskikh I.G.


The current trend of deteriorating health of young people is largely due to the lack of physical activity. Therefore, in order to preserve the health of students, it is necessary to pay increased attention to physical culture. At the same time, health care education involves the achievement of parity between the preservation of the health of students and ensuring their academic achievement. Thus, the process of physical education in high school should be focused on the solution of the corresponding problem.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2016;12(1):167-169
pages 167-169 views

The analysis of peculiarities of training of volleyball players in their Teens

Ivanov A.O.


This article is intended for novice coaches in volleyball and gives an opportunity to get acquainted with the peculiarities of organism of sportswomen girls 13-14 years of age. That will allow the coaches targeted, differentiated according to the age characteristics of means and methods of education of physical qualities of young volleyball players, will contribute to further optimization of the training process with young athletes.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2016;12(1):170-173
pages 170-173 views

TRP: past and present

Ivanov O.N., Titania M.A.


The article is devoted to the rethinking of the GTO complex modern student community. The article draws attention to one aspect of the project of introduction of modern complex TRP - on wide possibilities of formation of health of the Russian students. It is physical fitness largely ensures health, therefore, the implementation of the TRP priority should be given to the question of the formation of health. Systematic preparation for passing TRP standards built on health formative approach will enable a new approach to the problem of improving the health of the younger population.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2016;12(1):174-176
pages 174-176 views

Respiratory gymnastics for development of command voice of teacher of physical culture

Ivanova L.Y., Ivanov A.O.


In the article the «Respiratory gymnastics is for development of command voice of teacher of physical culture» talked that from agitation, speech and motions strongly change active motive activity. Professional activity of teacher of physical culture is unthinkable without «command voice». Row of authors P. T. of Nikol'skaya, A.N. Strel'nikova, I.P.Myuller will teach breathing is correct, presenting the complexes of respiratory exercises. Knowledges of bases of technique of respiratory gymnastics and application of it are in professional activity of teacher of physical culture accompany the decision of general and private pedagogical tasks to a lesson, and also facilitate work in socializing with a student without the special tension of vocal vehicle.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2016;12(1):177-182
pages 177-182 views

The use of individual programs of physical development

Klinova O.A.


This article is devoted development of pedagogical health-saving technologies, including the individualized education program, physical development, and justifying their necessity, formulating a goal, main objectives, principles and stages of work. The distinctive feature of such programs is the choice of each involved individual educational program on physical self-improvement under the guidance of a teacher in physical education.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2016;12(1):183-188
pages 183-188 views

Features of a functional state of girls with different levels of physical activity, living in the Khanty-Ugra

Kuchin R.V., Maksimova T.A.


The study found some features of physiological parameters in girls with different levels of physical activity, born and living in Khanty-Ugra. The study found an increase in the adaptive reserves of the organism athletes. Thus, cross-country skiing and volleyball have a favorable effect on the functional status of the cardiorespiratory system in extreme climatic conditions Khanty-Ugra.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2016;12(1):189-191
pages 189-191 views

Management aspects in the field of physical culture and sport and their effects on professional practice and training of sports managers

Mosina N.V., Aksarina I.U.


The article concerns a very urgent issues whose solution will help to correct professional practice and training of physical culture and sports in the field of sports management. Scientific novelty leads to the development stages of addressing this issue. The study of the main roles and functions and characteristics of professional activity, which, in the course of practical work is done by a sports manager, contribute to the effectiveness of the training of students in this profile.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2016;12(1):192-194
pages 192-194 views

Anthropometric and somatometric characteristics of girls athletes Khanty-Ugra

Nenenko N.D., Kuchin R.V., Brutov D.S.


The anthropometric study found significant differences between the morphological status of girls with different levels of physical activity. It has been shown that women with low physical activity, living in the Khanty-Ugra, was increased relative content of fat and reduced content of bone mass. The findings contribute to a more objective assessment of the adaptive reactions of the female body according to the level of physical activity and environmental influences.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2016;12(1):195-197
pages 195-197 views

The influence of sports on indicators of mineral bone density among women descendants of migrants of KHMAO-Yugra

Stogov M.V., Chernitsyna N.V., Kuchin R.V.


The study shows that women descendants of migrants in the first generation, born and residing on the territory of KHMAO-Yugra, not engaged in physical culture and sports, according to densitometry mineral density of bone tissue shows signs of loss of bone mass, not observed in the residents of middle latitudes and the girls engaged in physical culture and sports, living in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous district-Yugra. Preliminary data confirm the assumption that training in physical culture and sport contribute to the prevention of loss of bone mass in women living in the territory of KHMAO-Yugra.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2016;12(1):198-200
pages 198-200 views

Features of cellular and humoral immunity athletes Khanty-Ugra

Stogov M.V., Nenenko N.D.


The study found some features of the immune status of women with different levels of physical activity, living in climatic conditions of Khanty-Ugra, regarding the reference values. Marked changes in cellular and humoral immunity can be regarded as a manifestation of the adaptive immune response to ecological conditions of the region. Sport activities help to maintain and improve the adaptability of the female body to the climate-geographical conditions of Khanty-Ugra.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2016;12(1):201-203
pages 201-203 views

Morphological and some physiological features of the development of the female body and its adaptation to physical stress

Khorkova A.S.


This article presents some morphological and physiological characteristics of the female body, the adaptive capacity to physical exercise. The need for such knowledge will allow to properly select and use tools and methods to improve the General and special working capacity in different types of sports, physical education and sports training at different ages.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2016;12(1):204-208
pages 204-208 views

Some physiological changes in the body when swimming and its health value

Khorkova A.S., Adilev V.O.


In the article special attention is paid to the description of the physical characteristics of the cyclical sports, such as swimming sports, also highlighted its recreational importance. The focus is on some physiological features of the main functional systems of the human body during swimming.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2016;12(1):209-212
pages 209-212 views

Scientific approaches to the characterization of technical skills in volleyball

Shestakov A.S.


Technical skills in volleyball, universally accepted definition of the term of the test in the modern scientific literature. Therefore, based on the analysis of scientific approaches, we have the opportunity to determine the definition of "technical skills in volleyball" and make some theoretical conclusions for understanding the problem being studied.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2016;12(1):213-215
pages 213-215 views

The history of the development of the Institute of free legal aid in Russia

Akinina N.Y., Isakova A.M.


The authors of this article examine the formation of the system of free legal aid, analyse the situation of old Russian, Russian and Soviet law on free legal aid.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2016;12(1):219-224
pages 219-224 views

Basic directions of tax politics of Russian Federation are in petroleum industry of economy

Gorbunova E.N.


Actuality of the article is conditioned by importance of role of petroleum sector in the economy of Russia, his considerable influence on socio-economic development of country. Taxation of booty of oil in our country was and remains the article of the special discussion. A legislation in this part changes practically annually. In this connection, in the article basic directions of tax politics of Russia are generalized for perfections of current legislation in area of taxation of petroleum sector of economy of Russia.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2016;12(1):225-230
pages 225-230 views

The socially dangerous consequences of environmental rules violation during a work (Russian Federation Criminal Code art. 246)

Zharkova A.A.


The article is devoted to the analysis of socially dangerous consequences of violation of the rules of the environment by manufacture of works. The author proposes changes in the basic structure of article 246 of the Russian Criminal Code and the addition of its qualifying staff.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2016;12(1):231-233
pages 231-233 views

On the question of responsibility for procedural unfairness in the trial

Laskova V.G., Salmina S.G.


The article deals with topical issues in modern science, the problem of abuse of rights in civil proceedings. Based on a study of the various proposals to combat such behavior and as a result of the analysis of the civil procedural law to prevent misconduct, the possible changes and additions to the existing Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2016;12(1):234-236
pages 234-236 views

The problem of establishing legislative restrictions of religious freedom in the Russian Federation

Rozenko S.V.


The article is devoted to the problem of fixing in the legislation of the Russian Federation of restrictions on the freedom of conscience and religion.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2016;12(1):237-239
pages 237-239 views

To the question of respect for the rights and legitimate interests of persons in places of detention

Ustyanceva A.D.


The article deals with the problems of observance of the rights and legitimate interests of persons in places of detention. The author of this article reveals the urgency of the problems of observance of rights and legitimate interests of persons in places of detention and assess current state. The author outlined the main activities of law-enforcement and other bodies to ensure the rights and legitimate interests of persons in places of detention.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2016;12(1):240-244
pages 240-244 views

To the question about the definition of «environmental crime»

Frolova E.V.


In this article, on the basis of the analysis of scientific approaches in the theory of criminal law and criminal legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of environmental protection describes some of the problems of the definition of "environmental crimes". It seems the author's definition of "environmental crime".

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2016;12(1):245-247
pages 245-247 views

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