Vol 13, No 1-1 (2017)

Cover Page


Socio-psychological competence of teacher and educational manager in conditions of implementation of professional standard for teachers

Aivarova N.G.


The article presents the results of a study of socio-psychological competence of teachers, educational managers and analyzes causes for the difficulties of achieving personal and metasubject (interdisciplinary) education results

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2017;13(1-1):9-18
pages 9-18 views

Factors of young people’s psychological health

Aivarova N.G., Shimelfenikh A.R.


The article is devoted to the problem of youth’s psychological health. The article analyze favorable and unfavorable biological, social and psychological factors of formation of the psychological health of the younger generation.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2017;13(1-1):19-24
pages 19-24 views

Training of teachers for inclusive education for children with limited opportunities of health

Betker L.M.


The article deals with training based on resource centers for inclusive education as a form of professional development of teachers in their preparation for the design and implementation of adapted educational programs. The article raises the question of scientific and methodological support of resource centers for inclusive education. It discusses the need for tutor support in teachers training that will provide the individualization process of preparing teachers for new activities.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2017;13(1-1):25-28
pages 25-28 views

Factors of young people’s psychological health

Bulatova O.V.


Results of experimental study of cognitive interest cultivation of children with developmental delay in the aspect of the regulative component formed by their general educational ability are stated in this article. Cognitive interest has been exposed according to the following methods: “Verbal choice”, “Choose a task”, “Join symbols and find an item”. It has been established that the cognitive interest of junior schoolchildren with developmental delay under the updating conditions of the regulatory component of general educational ability is characterized by underdevelopment: by the neutral emotional relation to a task recipience, by the orientation to the collective goal of an activity, by unawareness of task performing rules in full volume offered; by the noncritical appraisal of their work. During training the development potential of cognitive interest of junior schoolchildren with developmental delay remains unrealized; there is no full formation of junior schoolchildren with developmental delay as subjects of cognitive activity. It certainly doesn't provide them with internal environment for their subject involvement in educational activity.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2017;13(1-1):29-34
pages 29-34 views

On factors hindering the development of research skills of future teachers-psychologists

Gilmanov S.A.


The article is devoted to the primary systematization of the factors hindering the development of research skills of future teachers-psychologists. The article considers empirical analysis and synthesis of the manifestations of the student’s difficulties in mastering research skills offers primary systematization causing difficulties factors; on this basis author indicates some ways to improve the effectiveness of educational efforts aimed at the formation of skills to carry out practice-oriented psychological and pedagogical research.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2017;13(1-1):35-42
pages 35-42 views

Recreational activity as a factor of students’ self-development

Eremeeva L.I.


The article considers the problems of students’ leisure and recreational activity, issues related to students’ attitude to leisure and recreational activity, choice of recreational activity, satisfaction with recreational activity, as well as ways of organization of recreational activity for first year students in higher educational institution on the example of Yugra State University.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2017;13(1-1):43-48
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Sensomotor activity of Khanty and slavs children in Yugra

Lobova V.A.


The purpose of this article is to describe the features of sensomotor activity of Khanty and Slavs children educated in Yugra. The children of primary school participated in the survey (57 Khanty children and 25 children of the Slavs at the age from 7 till 11). Hardware-controlled psychodiagnostic system “Multipsychometer” was used for the investigation of sensomotor activity. The differences in the description of sensorimotor reactions of Khanty and Slavs schoolchildren, the residents of Yugra were studied in this investigation. It has been established, that the stability of performing actions characterizes Khanty girls better while concentration and attention stability characterize Khanty boys more often. On the contrary a high stability of performing actions characterizes boys more often among Slavs. The investigation has shown that the dynamics of age-specific changes of Slavs and Khanty is not similar. While the lability of nervous processes of Khanty and Slavs children educated in primary school has been detected with the same frequency.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2017;13(1-1):49-55
pages 49-55 views

Increasing human adaptation possibilities through adaptation to stressful situations

Mosina N.V., Mosin O.V.


This article focuses on highly topical issues, which will help to increase the adaptive capacity of a person in stressful situations. The study of methods and techniques of self-regulation, which are aimed at reducing fatigue and human fatigue, not only contribute to better health, but also increase the stress resistance of the organism as a whole.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2017;13(1-1):56-58
pages 56-58 views

Features of effective training of competent professionals in higher education

Mosina N.V.


This article reveals the problem of training of competent professionals, the solution of which is directed to the formation of personality, able to compete in the labor market. The necessity of changes in the general education purposes, which is not only the basis for vocational training, but also a necessary foundation competence of students is accentuated here. The study of these aspects combination contributes to the quality of training of competent professionals.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2017;13(1-1):59-61
pages 59-61 views

Municipal system of professional orientation of schoolchildren and youth of the city (on the example of the city of Khanty-Mansiysk)

Naumova M.V.


This article reveals the content and components of professional orientation; there is suggested a complex integration system of professional orientation of schoolchildren and youth of the city on the example of the city of Khanty-Mansiysk.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2017;13(1-1):62-68
pages 62-68 views

Continuous training of technical specialties students of the educational complex "Сollege-university"

Nesterova L.V.


The article deals with the problems of the stimulating continuous training of technical specialties students of the educational complex "college-university" on the example of the Yugra State University. The article deals with the principles of efficiency of the professional formation process into the specialist and conditions that affecting to promote the professional development of the individual student in the process of continuous professional training.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2017;13(1-1):69-72
pages 69-72 views

Building a culture of health preservation in the process of future teachers training

Pichugina I.V.


The article presents the results of a study to identify the level of competence of future teachers in the field of health preservation. The main areas of students training in pedagogical college to conserve health resources are considered here.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2017;13(1-1):73-77
pages 73-77 views

Characteristics of some theoretical and methodological positions in contemporary research of pedagogical sciences

Stepanova G.A., Demchuk A.V.


The article is devoted to issues on modern requirements for dissertation research in pedagogical sciences and characteristics of some theoretical and methodological provisions.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2017;13(1-1):78-81
pages 78-81 views

Approaches to definition of interactive forms of education in system of secondary professional education

Shumskys Y.G.


The article deals with theoretical aspects of the notion "Interactive learning", is olso examined scientific, academic and normative literature on the research problem, detailed the essence of interactive forms of learning in the educational process that encourage active interaction between students and teachers, involvement in the learning process of all students through the organization of individual, pair and group forms of work.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2017;13(1-1):82-90
pages 82-90 views

Family as object of social work

Ustyanceva A.D.


Article is devoted to a problem of training of specialists having higher education in the field of social work with a family, taking into account the type of a family, its features. The author reveals the concept “family”, various typologies of families are considered. Need for taking into consideration specifics of a typology of families is emphasized when training bachelors of social work in higher education institution.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2017;13(1-1):91-95
pages 91-95 views

Professionally trained specialist in physical culture and sport

Aksarina I.Y.


This article discusses aspects of professional readiness of experts of physical training and sports. Trends in the development of modern sports and sports education presupposes that a sports teacher of the appropriate level of professional competence, professional skills, and the ability to self-regulation, selfactivation for relevant activities, the ability to mobilize the professional capacity to solve tasks in appropriate conditions. Their aggregate determines the professional readiness of experts of physical training and sports for sports and educational activities.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2017;13(1-1):99-101
pages 99-101 views

Some aspects of personality of sports teacher

Aksarina I.Y., Aksarin I.V.


This article discusses a number of personal characteristics of a sports teacher. The development of higher education system in the sports market environment imposes new demands on the sports teacher's personality, his professional skills, moral potential psychological and physical readiness to perform professional activities. In this regard, the study of characteristics of the individual pedagogical activities of sports teacher is especially important and it will be the basis of their professional development.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2017;13(1-1):102-104
pages 102-104 views

Theoretical substantiation of programs of choreographic training of young acrobats

Kalenskaya G.A., Barbashov S.V.


Changing the rules of evaluation of sports acrobatics result has significantly altered approaches to choreographic training in acrobatics. There were conducted teacher observations of the training process of different groups of acrobats of KHMAO-Yugra. The article presents theoretical explanation and optimal design of this type of training for young acrobats.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2017;13(1-1):105-112
pages 105-112 views

Attitude of students of institute of natural management to healthy lifestyle and physical culture

Vladimirov N.M., Dyumina A.Y.


Healthy lifestyle, physical culture and sports are the main life principles of most young people. But not all students are aware of the need to visit physical training classes, smoking and alcohol refuse. The reasons for this relationship on the example of students of the Institute of natural management of Yugra State University is presented in the article.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2017;13(1-1):113-116
pages 113-116 views

Enzymatic blood indicators among examined persons with different level of daily physical activity in terms of post load recovery period

Butakova M.V., Grjaznyh A.V., Samikulin P.N., Kamshilova E.V.


This article presents the results of the enzymes level research in the blood serum among sportsmen-wrestlers and unexercised volonteers. We defined consentration of pepsynogen-1, 2, amylase and lipase activity in the blood serum at muscular rest, just after muscular exercises and 1-2 hours post load period. It is determined that a group of wrestlers with high level of amylase has got the reduced lipase level. Enzymatic homeostasis of blood withing the examined groups showed the resistance to the muscle load. Just slightly changes of pepsinogen-1 level were fixed at the 15th minutes of the stimulated pancreas secretion. Such a load induced various directional shifts of these enzymes withing the examined groups. Considerable changes in hydrolitique blood were found in 2 hours post load period. When amylolitique blood activity reduced, the level of lipase and pepsinogen-1 grew up. Even after 2 hours of rest the level of lipase didn't recover as well as the level of pepsinogens grew up among wrestlers.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2017;13(1-1):117-123
pages 117-123 views

Model of formation of pedagogical students readiness to use of means of adaptive physical culture

Dorovskikh I.G.


The process of formation of readiness of students of physical culture to use of health funds for the students with weakened health, it is advisable to implement on the basis of the model, which characterizes the educational conditions to the manifestation of cognitive activity, creative aspects of adaptive physical culture. Increase of the efficiency of formation of the commitment are created based on real levels with a guide for the achievement levels, the corresponding social ordering. While in the course of implementation of the model is diagnosis of changes of professional readiness of students in the test aspect, and based on its results, are the necessary adjustments in the educational process of the University.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2017;13(1-1):124-129
pages 124-129 views

Problem of readiness of future teachers to use health protection means of adaptive physical culture

Dorovskikh I.G., Evseev F.A.


This article considers the problem of readiness of future teachers of physical culture to the use of health protection funds and to use their professional features, to create the conditions to achieve parity between students health and their education in all subjects of the curriculum, the teacher must possess many professional qualities. The combination of these factors determines the readiness for use of health-means of adaptive physical culture.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2017;13(1-1):130-132
pages 130-132 views

Сonditions of formation of readiness of bachelors of physical educationto definition of personal positions in new society by means of outdoor games

Ivanova L.Y.


In the process of playing activity readiness and capacity are formed for independent development of personality. At movable play, in the situation of the relaxed commonunication, forming of integrative qualities of future teacher of physical culture begins, and also determination of the position in new society. A multicultural collective assists adjusting of international relations in a group, and also conduces to forming of single culture.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2017;13(1-1):133-140
pages 133-140 views

Indicators of bone metabolism in girls-descendants of the first generation of migrants living in the KHMAO-Yugra

Stogov M.V., Kuchin R.V., Nenenko N.D.


The study examined the content of bone metabolism in the blood serum of 15 girls with the usual level of physical activity, the descendants of migrants of the first generation of markers living in the territory of KhMAO-Yugra (age 18-24). We detected two signs indicating the change of the regulatory systems of the bone metabolism in girls surveyed, which were shown as: reducing the concentration of the active form of vitamin D, and increase the concentration of osteolysis markers - C-terminal telopeptide and parathyrin serum. From these data we can conclude that the marked changes in bone metabolism and its regulatory systems linked to the climatic conditions of the subjects live.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2017;13(1-1):141-145
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Features of psychophysiological adaptation of students to study at university in conditions of uncomfortable climatic region in the course of regular aerobics

Nenenko N.D., Agafonova S.V.


The article describes the dynamics of psychophysiological indicators of the students during the first year of study at the University. It was concluded that regular aerobics classes with freshmen in the Northern region have expressed a health focus and enhances both somatic and mental health components.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2017;13(1-1):146-149
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Main aspects of evaluation of sports and training activities for young volleyball players

Suplotov D.A.


The article describes the overall strategy studies of the level of efficiency of sports and training activities for young volleyball players. It presents the criteria levels, the diagnostic tool for this phenomenon. It analyzes the level of efficiency of sports and training activities for young volleyball players.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2017;13(1-1):150-153
pages 150-153 views

Influence of correctional-developing active games for children with deviations in intelligence

Khorkova A.S.


According to the world and domestic experience, the number of children with developmental disabilities is great and growing steadily. The analysis of literary sources shows that among all health disorders of a human, the mental retardation is the most common. Attention to the problem of mental retardation is caused by the fact that the number of children with this type of anomaly is growing every year. This circumstance requires the creation of conditions for maximum possible correction of developmental disorders of children, their education, vocational training, finding ways of socialization and integration in society. If for a healthy person an exercise is a means of active development and body perfection, for children with mental retardation it is one of the main means of eliminating deviations in the motor area, full physical development, health, adaptation in society. The article describes the characteristics of correction and development of mobile games and their impact on children with deviations in intelligence.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2017;13(1-1):154-157
pages 154-157 views

Emergence of theoretical knowledge on physical education

Khorkova A.S., Malkova M.D.


Since ancient times, the issues and problems of upbringing and education have always been one of the most important positions among other state objectives. Each era makes its own conceptual innovations in the notion of education, that is, the contents and methods of chronological change, but the goal is always the same: to cultivate comprehensively developed person in the framework of progress, which could exist in a particular historical setting. In the article special attention is paid to the development of philosophical and pedagogical ideas of the ancient Greek physical education, reflected in the works of scientists of that time, as well as other representatives of the scientific thought. The author focuses on the sayings of ancient philosophers and scientists, and their opinions and valuable ideas about physical education as an integral part of General education.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2017;13(1-1):158-161
pages 158-161 views

Assessment of morphological and functional status of young water polo players of Khanty-Mansiysk

Chernitsyna N.V.


The work is devoted to the evaluation of the morphofunctional status of girls 12-16 years old, engaged in water polo. Evaluated anthropometric indicators, functional indices of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, the dynamometer, the component composition of the body. It was found that anthropometric indices and functional groups 12-13 and 14 years of age meet the standards. A straining of cardio-respiratory system was identified at 15-year-old athletes. The intensity of muscular component and indicators of dynamometry were surveyed in all age groups and are much higher than the data of their peers. It was stated that 16-year-old water polo players have an increase in the fat component relatively to the age-appropriate rate.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2017;13(1-1):162-165
pages 162-165 views

Some physiological characteristics of girls - descendants of migrants of the first generation living in the territory of KHMAO-Yugra, who practice combative sports

Maksimova T.A., Stogov M.V., Chernitsyna N.V.


The present study examines characteristics of the functional state of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, and power characteristics of girls-descendants of immigrants in the first generation, living and born on the territory of KhMAO-Yugra, with a conventional engine-term activity (not regularly engaged in physical culture and sports) compared with girls of the first generation of migrants descendants living and born on the territory of KhMAO-Yugra involved in martial arts. It was found that girls involved in martial arts, have indicators of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, power characteristics and response to stress tests, increasing the functional resources that enhance adaptation reserves of these girls body systems to the climatic conditions of KhMAO-Yugra.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2017;13(1-1):166-168
pages 166-168 views

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