Vol 17, No 1 (2021)

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Column of the editor-in-chief

Islamutdinov V.F.


In this issue, for the first time, the column of the editor-in-chief is presented to your attention. The reason for the direct appeal to the readers was the sorrowful news - on November 19, 2020, Professor Viktor Vladimirovich Slavsky, a remarkable scientist and person, to whose memory this issue of the Bulletin of Yugorsk State University is dedicated, passed away.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2021;17(1):7-13
pages 7-13 views

Геометрические методы в математическом моделировании

Investigation of conformally killing vector fields on 5-dimensional 2-symmetric lorentzian manifolds

Andreeva T.A., Oskorbin D.N., Rodionov E.D.


Conformally Killing fields play an important role in the theory of Ricci solitons and also generate an important class of locally conformally homogeneous (pseudo) Riemannian manifolds. In the Riemannian case, V. V. Slavsky and E.D. Rodionov proved that such spaces are either conformally flat or conformally equivalent to locally homogeneous Riemannian manifolds. In the pseudo-Riemannian case, the question of their structure remains open. Pseudo-Riemannian symmetric spaces of order k, where k > 2, play an important role in research in pseudo-Riemannian geometry. Currently, they have been investigated in cases k=2,3 by D.V. Alekseevsky, A.S. Galaev and others. For arbitrary k, non-trivial examples of such spaces are known: generalized Kachen - Wallach manifolds. In the case of small dimensions, these spaces and Killing vector fields on them were studied by D.N. Oskorbin, E.D. Rodionov, and  I.V. Ernst with the helpof systems of computer mathematics. In this paper, using the Sagemath SCM, we investigate conformally Killing vector fields on five-dimensional indecomposable 2- symmetric Lorentzian manifolds, and construct an algorithm for their computation.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2021;17(1):17-22
pages 17-22 views

Mathematical modeling in the study of semisymmetric connections on three-dimensional Lie groups with the metric of the Ricci soliton

Klepikov P.N., Rodionov E.D., Khromova O.P.


Semisymmetric connections were first discovered by E. Cartan and are a natural generalization of the Levi-Civita connection. The properties of the parallel transfer of such connections and the basic tensor fields were investigated by I. Agrikola, K. Yano and other mathematicians. In this paper, a mathematical model is constructed for studying semisymmetric connections on three-dimensional Lie groups with the metric of an invariant Ricci soliton. A classification of these connections on three-dimensional unimodular Lie groups with left-invariant Riemannian metric of the Ricci soliton is obtained. It is proved that in this case there are nontrivial invariant semisimetric connections. Previously, the authors carried out similar studies in the class of Einstein metrics.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2021;17(1):23-29
pages 23-29 views

Algorithm for detecting outliers in the model uniformly fuzzy regression

Ponomarev I.V.


When constructing mathematical models based on statistical data, the researcher faces the need to assess the homogeneity of the sample, in particular, the study of data on emissions. Availability in a sample of outliers negatively affects the modeling results and the adequacy of the model as a whole. In this work, an algorithm has been developed that allows one to quantitatively measure the effect of the influence of each observation on the quality of the constructed model. The description of this algorithm is given. Previously the author carried out similar studies for various regression models.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2021;17(1):30-35
pages 30-35 views

1.2/1.2.2 Mathematical Modeling and Information Technology (Technical Sciences)

Simulation model for assessing the risks of accidental oil spills based on cluster

Kochergin G.A., Muratov I.N.


The paper proposes a new risk-oriented approach to the implementation of control and supervision activities in the field of regional environmental control. The issues of building a simulation model of oil spill risks assessment, implemented in the form of a digital mapof the region based on a combination of clustering methods and spatial data analysis are considered. The analysis is based on data on accidents at field oil pipelines in the license areas of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug for the period from 2014 to 2020. The result of the analysis is a digital mappublished on the Internet with authorized access and reflecting 5 levels of risk for the districts of the study area.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2021;17(1):39-47
pages 39-47 views

Application of the cluster analysis for assessing the savings and investment potential of the population of the siberian federal district

Maratkanova I.V.


The article presents a multidimensional cluster analysis of the regions of the Siberian Federal Level by the level of savings and investment potential of the population. Clustering was carried out using the ACC «Statistica» based on the joint use of hierarchical and non-hierarchical algorithms. This approach made it possible to increase the reliability of dividing the regions of the district into homogeneous groups. As a result, the heterogeneity of the regions of the Siberian Federal District in terms of the studied potential is revealed. Three clusters with a high, medium and low level of savings and investment potential of the population were obtained. Each resulting cluster provides a tool for making effective decisions at the level of both a single region and the district as a whole. The analysis made it possible to analyze the current state and trends in the development of the level of savings and investment potential of the population in the Siberian Federal District. And also to find out the reasons for the low level of the investigated potential.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2021;17(1):48-61
pages 48-61 views

Remote study of thermokarst lakes in the arctic tundra of the taimyr

Muratov I.N., Ibraeva A.S., Timergazina L.L., Polishchuk Y.M.


The results of remote studies of thermokarst lakes in the Arctic zone of the Taimyr tundra are presented. The research was carried out on the territory of 725 thousand km2. Sentinel-2 satellite images were used in the studies, which made it possible to study the peculiarities of distribution of the number, total area of the lakes and tortuosity of their coastal borders. Histograms of the distribution of the number and total areas of the lakes in an extra wide range of their sizes from 0.2 to 5000 ha are presented. The histogram of lakes size-distribution demonstrates significant growth of their number with decrease in size. Histogram of the distribution of total areas of lakes by intervals of their sizes shows that more than 80 % of total area of lakes are dominated by lakes with sizes from 2 to 1000 ha. The analysis of the histogram of the degree of tortuosity of lakes borders distribution showed that the majority of lakes have the form of the coastal lines, which differs from a circle. The dependence of the degree of tortuosity of lakes borders on the size of lakes was studied and a positive linear trend of its change with the growth of the area of lakes was established.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2021;17(1):62-71
pages 62-71 views

Application of matlab for digital images topological characteristics calculation and analysis

Samarina O.V., Samarin V.A., Slavsky V.V., Kurkina M.V.


The paper describes the practical results received from digital images topographic characteristics calculating in Matlab, such as length and curvature of contour lines, density of lengths and curvature, as well as irregularities of contour lines of the first and second order. Topological characteristics contain complete information about the shape and contours of a digital image, which allows them to be effectively used in solving the problems of remote sensing data processing, analysis of biomedical images, classification and pattern recognition problems.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2021;17(1):72-78
pages 72-78 views

Computer mathematical models of socio-economic systems using gis technologies

Semenov S.P., Slavsky V.V., Kurkina M.V., Tashkin A.O., Samarina O.V., Finogenov A.A.


The article describes the results of five years of research in the development and creation of computer mathematical models of socio-economic systems using GIS technologies within the framework of two RFBR grants, which were directed by V.V. Slavsky. The first part describes the results of the development and creation of an interactive socially-oriented geographic information system designed to obtain information about social infrastructure facilities aimed at meeting the needs of people with limited mobility and people with disabilities. The second part describes the results of the development and creation of an interactive agent-based dynamic model of socio-economic processes (transport, production, demographic, etc.), using GIS technologies on the example of Khanty-Mansiysk.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2021;17(1):79-84
pages 79-84 views

Criminal law policy in the field of combating crime

Energy security as a kind of public security: doctrinal-methodological and criminal-legal aspects of implementation

Avdeev V.A., Avdeeva O.A.


The subject of the study is the strategic directions of ensuring public security in the Russian Federation at the present stage. One of the directions of ensuring public safety is recognized as the safety of the fuel and energy complex. In this regard, the analysis of the state, structure and dynamics of crime in the fuel and energy complex is carried out. Attention is focused on the implementation of the Russian criminal law policy in the field of combating crime in the fuel and energy complex, taking into account the norms of international law. The purpose of the study is to uncover the elements of crimes in the fuel and energy complex that constitute the crime of this orientation. Particular attention is paid to the consideration of a set of measures for the prevention and prevention of this type of crime, taking into account the interaction of measures of a criminal, criminological and administrative nature. The methodological basis for the study of measures to combat crime in the fuel and energy complex is a combination of general scientific and private scientific methods that have predetermined a comprehensive approach to the study of legal policy in the field of countering this type of crime, taking into account the ongoing reform of the socio-economic system in the Russian Federation. In the course of achieving the goal of the study, special legal methods of cognition were used to facilitate the analysis of the legal regulation of legal liability for fuel and energy crimes.

The main results of the study contain conclusions and proposals aimed at improving measures to counteract crime in the field of the fuel and energy complex, including improving the effectiveness of the implementation of the mechanism of criminal law regulation of public relations related to countering encroachments of the fuel and energy sector. Conclusions are formulated regarding the methodological and organizational-practical aspects of the legal impact on persons who have committed crimes in the field of fuel and energy complex.

The novelty of the research topic consists in the formulation of the problem associated with the establishment of the causes and conditions of crimes of fuel and energy orientation as a socially negative phenomenon in modern conditions; the definition of key areas of legal policy in the field of combating crime in the field of fuel and energy complex. The conducted research reveals the legal nature of crime in the fuel and energy complex; features of measures to counteract crimes of fuel and energy orientation; trends in the legal regulation of fuel and energy crimes; the specifics of the mechanism of legal regulation of legal liability for fuel and energy crimes. The opinion is expressed that there is no categorical and legal assessment of the concept of fuel and energy crimes in the domestic legislation, which predetermined the recognition of measures of criminal and legal influence as a strategic resource for countering fuel and energy crime. Conclusions are formulated about the factors that determine the legislative regulation of fuel and energy crimes, and the specifics of the implementation of punishment and other measures of a criminal nature.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2021;17(1):87-96
pages 87-96 views

«Use of office position» when committing fraud: problems of application

Zabrodina V.V., Menshikova A.G.


The authors in the article consider the problems of establishing the qualifying feature «use of official position» when committing fraud. Based on the analysis of the doctrine of criminal law, clarifications of the highest court, materials of specific judicial practice, a circle of subjects related to persons using their official position is determined, as well as the procedure and mechanism for using official position in fraud. According to the results of the study, it is proposed to include in the current resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation «On judicial practice in cases of fraud, misappropriation and embezzlement» additional clarifications that reveal the understanding of the content of the sign «use of official position». The authors propose to expand the understanding of the subject of official fraud. Such provisions will promote uniformity in law enforcement and helpavoid qualifying fraud using official position errors.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2021;17(1):97-104
pages 97-104 views

Digital nechnology and criminal law: interaction issues

Shchelkonogova E.V.


The development of digital technologies and their interaction with criminal law are extremely important for lawmaking, law enforcement, and the study of criminal law. In this connection, the author in the article aims to investigate the impact of digitalization on criminal law as a branch of law and as an academic discipline. The methodological basis of this research is a set of methods of scientific knowledge, among which the main place is occupied by the methods of consistency, analysis and comparative legal. The author's position grounded in the work is based on the legislation and the opinions of the competent scientific community on the question of how artificial intelligence can be useful in assessing an act as a crime, what new offenses have appeared in connection with the development of digital technologies. With the helpof legal analysis of the provisions of the theory of law, the question of whether artificial intelligence can be a subject of law and be liable in the event of harm to the object of criminal law protection is investigated.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2021;17(1):105-110
pages 105-110 views

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