Vol 17, No 3 (2021)

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In memory of Alexander Avtonomovich Novikov

Lapshin V.F.


Alexander Avtonomovich Novikov was born on August 12, 1954 in a family of chemists. His father, Avtonomiy Nikolaevich Novikov, Doctor of Science, headed the Department of Organic Chemistry at the Tomsk Polytechnic Institute for twenty years. His mother, Evgenia Sergeevna Novikova, also worked as an assistant professor at the same department.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2021;17(3):7-8
pages 7-8 views

New materials and technology

Evalation of resource of functional polymer powder coatings

Gimranov I.R., Fedyaev V.L., Galimov E.R.


The issues of estimating the resource of polymer powder coatings are considered. The control volume of the coating is allocated, limited by the external surface on which the environment acts, and the internal surface in contact with the substrate. The main factors acting on these surfaces are called. Provided that the transverse dimensions of the coatings are significantly smaller than the longitudinal ones, external and internal loads are replaced by average loads acting on the inner layer of the coating material. As the main indicators of the functionality of the coatings, the following are selected: average thickness; parameters that characterize the mechanical and physico-chemical properties of the coating material; adhesive strength. It is assumed that these indicators depend on time, in particular, in a power-law way. In this case, the coefficients of the corresponding ratios are determined taking into account the operating loads acting on the material, as well as internal factors (microcracks, pores, internal stresses). To obtain a quantitative assessment of the resource of coatings, a complex (integral) criterion is proposed – the sum of indicators with weight multipliers, the limits of change of which are from 0 to 1. In each specific case, the values of the indicators are determined by experts. For known critical values of the indicators, a ratio is obtained that allows us to quantify the resource of coatings.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2021;17(3):11-18
pages 11-18 views

Methodological approach to assessing the effect of porosity on the operational properties of functional polymer powder coatings

Gimranov I.R., Fedyaev V.L.


Functional polymer powder coatings are considered, their advantages over traditional paint coatings are noted. The set of operational indicators of coatings is called, their dependence on both external and internal factors is estimated. Of the latter, the porosity of the coating material is distinguished. The analysis of the types of porosity is carried out, it is noted that it is a generalized indicator. In addition to porosity, the performance properties of coatings also depend on the shape, size, and tortuosity of the pores. Due to the fact that porosity has a significant impact on all the main technical properties of coatings, the study of this issue seems relevant from a practical point of view. Therefore, there is a need to develop an effective approach, highlighting the formalization of each of its stages as the main task. Since, in general, the coverage and the factors acting on it are a complex system, methods of system analysis and mathematical modeling are used. At the same time, in the aggregate of external factors acting on coatings during storage, transportation, and operation of products, atmospheric and actual operational ones are distinguished. Attention is drawn to the fact that their impact leads to a change in indicators, both porosity and the material of the frame (matrix) of the coating. The relations characterizing the influence of porosity, internal and external factors on the physico-chemical properties of polymer powder coatings are recorded in a general form.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2021;17(3):19-24
pages 19-24 views

Network mechatronic positioning system of plasma spraying unit

Morozov M.I., Dolmatov A.V.


The work is devoted to the implementation of the architecture of embedded computing systems in a high-speed complex for diagnostics of thermal spraying of coatings. On the basis of the Arduino Yun R.2 microcontroller, a software and hardware interface for controlling the positioning system equipment has been developed, and a message exchange protocol in a network environment for interacting with other subsystems of the measuring complex. The computing means of the system have implemented a protocol for synchronizing the internal clock with the neighbors of the measuring complex with an accuracy of 1 ms. Remote control of the positioning system is based on a remote control with an IR communication channel and an LCD screen. An alternative interface for interactive control of the system by the user is deployed on a microcontroller using a Web server. Also, the computing resources of the Atheros processor on the Arduino Yun provide the operation of a client-server application that uses a database to store information about tasks for moving the carriage and its movement tracks. The positioning system site supports the development of client applications in C++, C #, Python, Matlab using the source code of the class of control objects, reference materials and dynamic link libraries.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2021;17(3):25-32
pages 25-32 views

The influence of nitrogen on the formation of the structure and properties of plasma coatings of the 10P6M5 type

Nefedyev S.P., Emelyushin A.N.


The effect of nitrogen doping from an additive material on the formation of the structure and properties of a coating of type 10P6M5 obtained by plasma-powder surfacing is investigated. The microstructure and phase composition of the deposited layers, as well as the transition coefficients of alloying elements during surfacing, are studied. The influence of the additive powder composition and the surfacing mode on the hardness and abrasive wear resistance of coatings is determined. The positive effect of nitrogen on increasing the abrasive wear resistance of coatings is shown.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2021;17(3):33-45
pages 33-45 views

Silicon surface treatment in BF3 + H2 and BF3 + H2 + CF4 plasma

Snitovsky Y.P.


The method of creating ohmic contacts to the p-region of silicon by sputtering molybdenum in a BF3 plasma makes it possible to obtain the minimum transient resistance of the Mo/p+Si system before heat treatment (0.09 Ohm). This value is 4.4 times less than when molybdenum is sputtered in Ar plasma. With this processing method, it was shown that the minimum value of the transient resistance is slightly higher than when sputtering molybdenum by the magnetron method when using additional processing of a silicon wafer with active regions in a peroxide-ammonia solution, followed by holding the wafer in a vacuum of 4×10-3–1×10-4 Pa for 30–50 minutes at a temperature of 250–350 °C and re-treatment in a peroxide-ammonia solution before applying molybdenum (0.07 Ohm).

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2021;17(3):46-55
pages 46-55 views

Devices and methods for monitoring substances and materials

Experimental methods of pupillographic analysis based on high-speed video recording devices

Isaeva O.L., Boronenko M.P.


The prospects for using artificial intelligence in video analytics are becoming more and more undeniable. Researchers are actively working on methods for making decisions based on the results of automated analysis of the sequence of images received from video cameras. The purpose of our study was to develop a method for decision-making based on modeling a person's pupillary response to an information stimulus. A ZWO ASI120MC digital video camera was used for research. The studies carried out made it possible to reliably establish that the state of the optical system of the eye when viewing the calibration slide comes to a physical state common to all people. This made it possible to systematize the pupillograms, referring them to one of two categories (stress state is / is not). Having determined an individual threshold value during calibration, it becomes possible to quickly classify a person's emotional response to the received information impulse. Based on the developed methodology for systematizing the pupillary reaction to an information stimulus by categories, a decision tree for intelligent video surveillance systems was built. In addition to the size of the pupils, the algorithm takes into account the parameters of gaze fixation on stimulus images, the stability of the illumination of the surface of the pupils.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2021;17(3):59-67
pages 59-67 views

Method for detecting human stress state for video surveillance systems

Isaeva O.L., Klyuchnikova R.R.


The work is devoted to the development of a technique for identifying a stressed state (stress) using a video camera. Experiments were carried out to determine the stress state by two methods: measurement of galvanic skin response using the "Activatiometer-6" and by the method of pupillography. Comparative analysis of pupillograms and graphs of galvanic skin response (GSR) showed that the results of measurements by the two methods are consistent under the condition of the presence of emotion: correlation p=0.88 in the presence of a response to the test object and its decrease with a decrease in the response. In combination with other methods (eye tracking, vibraimage), it is possible to carry out remote diagnostics of a stress state, which will prevent aggressive behavior of people, suicides, etc.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2021;17(3):68-75
pages 68-75 views

Computer analysis and of oil and gas refining processes

Korneev D.S., Kotvanova M.K.


The article is a review of the scientific works of Professor A. A. Novikov. The possibilities and prospects of computer simulation of industrial operations of oil and gas processing, proposed by Professor A. A. Novikov are shown. The results on the physicochemical properties and composition of oils from Western Siberia are presented. Use of them makes it possible to choose the most efficient and rational ways of extraction, transportation and oil processing.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2021;17(3):76-81
pages 76-81 views

Уголовно-правовые и криминологические аспекты противодействия преступности с учетом личности преступника

Political and legal factors influencing the formation of the system of criminal penalties in the conditions of the introduction of martial law

Zvonov A.V., Tsapanova S.S.


The main task of the modern Russian state is the protection and protection of life, health and legitimate interests of citizens. The implementation of this task is partly achieved by means of the criminal punishment system, which is influenced by various factors. The article deals with political factors that are caused by the peculiarities of the organization of political power and legal factors as a legal form of the implementation of public relations in various spheres of life in the conditions of martial law. The purpose of the study is to analyze how political and legal factors influence the formation of the system of criminal penalties under martial law. The methods of comparison and analysis were used in the work. In conclusion, the author comes to the conclusion about the strong influence of the martial law regime on legal and political factors, under the influence of which, in turn, the system of criminal penalties is formed.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2021;17(3):85-90
pages 85-90 views

The socio-legal nature of compulsory medical measures in accordance with the criminal legislation of Russia and Mongolia

Korneev S.A.


The subject of this study is the institute of compulsory medical measures.

Goal. This study involves determining the essence of compulsory medical measures in accordance with the criminal legislation of the Russian Federation and Mongolia, as well as scientific justification of the need to distinguish between criminal liability and other measures of criminal legal influence applied to persons who have committed an act prohibited by criminal law.

Methodology. The methodological basis of this study is presented by the dialectical method of scientific cognition. In the course of the research, private scientific methods of cognition used in the humanities were also used, namely: in determining the essence of compulsory medical measures – inductive, deductive, system-structural and content analysis; in the process of studying the provisions of the criminal legislation of Mongolia on the regulation of compulsory medical measures-a comparative legal method.

Results. The criminal legislation of the Russian Federation and Mongolia is analyzed, doctrinal studies on the declared topic are studied, the socio-legal essence of compulsory medical measures is formulated and scientifically substantiated.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2021;17(3):91-98
pages 91-98 views

Judicial fine as a criminal law measure of state coercion

Lapshin V.F.


Subject of research: the content of a fine as another measure of a criminal-legal nature, the execution of which forms the basis for exemption from criminal liability.

Purpose of the study: to determine the scientific viability of the dissertation research conducted by D.O. Mikhailov. on the topic: "Judicial fine in the criminal law of Russia", as well as the theoretical and practical significance of the research results.

List of methods and objects of research. To obtain the research results, the methods of cognition used in the humanities (legal) sciences were used. The method of content analysis was used in the study of the content of the norms of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, which determine the essence of a court fine, the basis and procedure for its application, and especially the release from criminal liability in connection with the execution of a court fine. The dialectical method was used in the study of opinions on the recognition of a court fine as a “other measure” of a criminal-legal nature and (or) a basis for exemption from criminal liability. Logical and systemic-structural methods were applied in the study of the conclusions and proposals formulated by the author based on the results of the study.

Conclusions based on the research results: 1) D.O. Mikhailov's dissertation. is a scientific and qualifying work, which contains a solution to a problem that is important for the development of domestic legal science; 2) the dissertation research carried out on the topic: "Judicial fine in the criminal law of Russia" fully complies with the requirements for dissertations for the degree of candidate of sciences (specialty 12.00.08 – criminal law and criminology; penal law).

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2021;17(3):99-104
pages 99-104 views

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