Editorial note




Dear colleagues!

The first issue of the journal that was initiated by the Eurasian Arrhythmology Association together with the Mechnikov North-Western State Medical University is now presented to the readers. The publications that focused on the problems of arrhythmias nowadays publish materials for a small target audience of doctors. This journal is intended for a wide range of specialists despite the impression of narrow specialization.

This is a distinguishing characteristic of the journal. After all, heart rhythm and conduction disorders can often be manifestations of comorbid pathology.

The contemporary healthcare system cannot be developed without meaningful professional communication. We hope that the journal will become a debate platform for discussions on topical issues of heart diseases and comorbid conditions that are complicated by heart rhythm and conduction disorders. Moreover, we hope that it will help to ensure scientific communication and exchange of ideas and results of our research and contribute to the introduction of new scientific research results into healthcare practice. Currently, the conversational interaction and exchange of scientific knowledge enable arrhythmologists, cardiologists, cardiovascular surgeons, and scientists of other specialties to diversify clinical arrhythmology problems. We are convinced that such a multidisciplinary approach will significantly improve the quality of medical care for patients, not only with cardiac arrhythmias but also with various diseases that are the root cause or contribute to their development.

The journal publishes clinical guidelines, original articles, article reviews, clinical cases, lectures/discussion reports, and notes on the activities of the Eurasian Arrhythmology Association. All articles are subject to double-blind peer review by authoritative scientists and specialists reputable in the field of knowledge of the published article.

The journal is published in Russian and English quarterly, both in electronic and printed versions. All articles are translated by the publisher and are free for the authors of the publication.

On behalf of the editorial board, I proffer you close cooperation. We look forward to receiving articles and reviews from you.

Respectfully yours, S.A. Saiganov



Sergey Sayganov

North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov

Email: sergey.sayganov@szgmu.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-8325-1937
SPIN 代码: 2174-6400
Scopus 作者 ID: 56512453000

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor

俄罗斯联邦, 41, Kirochnaya street, Saint-Petersburg, 191015




版权所有 © Sayganov S., 2022

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