Vol 2, No 4 (2011)

Original Study Articles

The problems of complex treatment and rehabilitation of patients with pancreatonecrosis

Ivanov Y.V., Solov'ev N.A., Abushenko M.I.


The results of complex therapy of 30 patients with subtotal combined infected pancreatonecrosis are offered. It is analyzed the financial and economic components of complex treatment of the disease. Organization questions of the medical care to the patients with pancreatonecrosis are considered.

Journal of Clinical Practice. 2011;2(4):13-22
pages 13-22 views

Prophylaxis and treatment of intraoperative extrahepatic biliary ducts injury in laparoscopic cholecystectomy

Ivanov Y.V., Sazonov D.V., Lebedev D.P., Nechaeva O.E.


The article presents the modern classification of extrahepatic biliary ducts injuries in laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Three groups of biliary ducts intraoperative injures risk factors are described. The basic methods of preoperative and intraoperative prophylaxis of the biliary ducts injury and diagnostic methods are offered. The variations of surgical correction according to the level of biliary ducts injury and time duration of injury are recommended.

Journal of Clinical Practice. 2011;2(4):23-28
pages 23-28 views

B-type natriuretic peptide in diagnosis of chronic heart failure in copd patients

Tertichnaya S.P., Parshukova V.N.


The influence of chronic heart failure (CHF) on the В-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) level and BNP role in differential diagnosis of dyspnea in COPD and CHF was estimated.

Journal of Clinical Practice. 2011;2(4):29-34
pages 29-34 views

Effects of allogeneic mesenchymal stem cells in experimental treatment of pulmonary emphysema

Averyanov A., Kuzovlev O., Kulagina N., Konoplyannikov А.G., Petrov V., Konoplyannikova О., Agaeva Е., Tsyb А., Bruhovetsky А., Trusov А., Voitkovskaya К.


The aim of the study was to asses morphologic and morphometric lung tissue changes and peritoneal macrophages activity (MA) after allogeneic mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) systemic transplantation in acute elastase model of pulmonary emphysema(PE) in rats.

Methods: Forty Wistar rats, 3-months old, were randomized into 4 groups. Control group (1 group) was injected intratracheally 0,4 ml of normal saline, other animals (2-4 groups) received one intratracheal injection of 20 units (U) porcine pancreatic elastase in 0,4 ml of saline. Next day (3 group) and 7 day (4 group) rats were intravenously injected 2 x 106 autologous MSCs in 0,5 ml of saline. 2 group was used as emphysema control. Before euthanizing at the 21* day rats were undergone peritoneal lavage with analysis of hemi-luminescent macrophages activity in the obtained fluid.

Results: the lungs of 2-4 groups had various degrees of PE. The width of alveolar ducts (VAD) in group 2 experimental emphysema increased by 231% versus the control group. The transplantation of MSCs in a day after elastase decreased VAD by an average of 50.3% compared to the control of experimental emphysema. In animals MSCs injected at the 7th day of study, this sizes decreased more greater - by 64,5%, but was higher by 40.7% compared to the first control group. Another quantitative measure of PE - alveolar index - was significantly increased by 149% in group 2 compared to control. The transplantation of MSCs at 1st and 7th day of experiment leaded to alveolar index decreasing, respectively on 163.4 and 237% . The peak Index of hemi-luminescent macrophages activity (Mv/106 cells) was 28,8+1,1 (1 group), 57,3 +1,3 (2 group), 35,8+1,6 (3 group), 31,9+1,9 (4 group).

Conclusions: our study confirmed the possibility of regenerative lung tissue effect of autologous MSCs intravenous injected in experimental rat models of PE.

Journal of Clinical Practice. 2011;2(4):35-43
pages 35-43 views

Relapsing polychondritis. A case from practice

Saykovsky R.S., Babak V.V., Grigoreva М.А.


Relapsing polychondritis is a rare systemic inflammatory disease of cartilage resulting in structure changes of cartilage until its disappearance. The analysis of the present data on pathogenesis, different clinical manifestations and methods of treatment is performed. The own clinical observation of relapsing polychondritis is described.

Journal of Clinical Practice. 2011;2(4):44-49
pages 44-49 views

A case of home ventilation in treatment of als in terminal stage

Hinovker V.V., Stekina А.V., Toporova Е.А.


The case of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis in terminal state with required domiciliary lung ventilation is discussed.

Journal of Clinical Practice. 2011;2(4):50-52
pages 50-52 views

The case of rare pseudocyst of pancreas located in posterior mediastinum

Shablovsky О.R., Ivanov Y.V., Urazovskii N.Y., Kemezh Y.V., Nechaeva О.Е.


The article includes findings of ethiology, classifications, basic methods of surgical treatment of pancreas pseudocysts and their typical localizations in abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space. Case of pancreas pseudocyst which is rarely located in posterior mediastinum is reported. This pseudocyst of pancreas has been required many additional investigations and much time for updating of diagnosis.

Journal of Clinical Practice. 2011;2(4):53-57
pages 53-57 views

Physical properties of magnetic film structures and mechanism of their therapeutic effect

Dyatchina G.V., Kuzovlev O.P., Illarionov V.E.


The article sets out in details the structure, physical properties and processes of interaction with the surrounding bodies of the magnetic film structures and their possible impact on biostructures and systems of the organism. The mechanism of therapeutic effect of the magnetic films is justified and described. 

Journal of Clinical Practice. 2011;2(4):58-61
pages 58-61 views

Bacteriological service of research institute of childrens infections fmba of russia: science and practice interaction in the past and present

Lobzin Y.V., Kvetnaya A.S., Sidorenko S.V., Samoylova I.G.


The article presents the evolution of development of bacteriological service of research institute of children's infections within 50 years. Practical value of science and practice interaction at all stages of development of service is defined.

Journal of Clinical Practice. 2011;2(4):62-72
pages 62-72 views

Modern development strategies in hospital care

Laktionova L.V.


The article presents the results of modern development strategies of inpatient care in the modernization of the federal multidisciplinary clinic. The problems of health care development in Russian Federation and the possible ways of solution on the local level are discussed to improve the quality and accessibility of medical aid.Keywords: modernization of health care, inpatient care

Journal of Clinical Practice. 2011;2(4):73-80
pages 73-80 views


Confocal laser endomicroscopy of airways problems and prospects

Averyanov A.V., Danilevskaya O.V., Sazonov D.V., Kuzovlev O.P., Zabozlaev F.G., Sotnikova A.G.


We have described the principle and method of confocal laser endomicroscopy using the system Cellvizio® lung probe Alveoflex (Mauna Kea Technologies, France) to study the distal lower respirato­ry tract in real time. Acynoscopy has been performed in 25 patients aged from 24 to 75 years with differ­ent lung pathology. The problems associated with using of this technology and its potential practical applications are discussed.

Journal of Clinical Practice. 2011;2(4):5-12
pages 5-12 views

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