Vol 6, No 1 (2008)


Genetic effects of transformation of forest ecosystems

Padutov V.E., Khotyleva L.V., Baranov O.U., Ivanovskaya S.I.


The paper covers the now population and genetic changes in forest forming species. An estimate is made of the effects exerted on genetic resources of the species by both natural environmental (global environmental changes) and human-made (environmental contamination, deforestation and fragmentation of woodlands, forest exploitation and reforestation, forest tree breeding, introduction) factors.
Ecological genetics. 2008;6(1):3-11
pages 3-11 views


Fedorova E.M., Rodionov A.V.


The evolutionary conserved PcG proteins maintain stable transcriptional epigenetic repression, established earlier by transiently acting regulator proteins. The exact mechanism of PcG-mediated repression is not identified yet, and here we outline existing models of the repression mechanism. We also shortly summarize the current knowledge about PcG proteins and their role in various processes and present an insight into the evolution of PRC1 and PRC2 complexes.
Ecological genetics. 2008;6(1):12-19
pages 12-19 views

Molecular genetic analysis of Arabidopsis thaliana cold sensitive mutant nfz24

Novokreschenova M.G., Soldatova O.P., Volkova L.A., Burgutin A.B., Ezhova T.A.


Development of stress-resistant plant varieties is a main task of plant biotechnology which is gaining popularity nowadays following the climatic changes and increased environmental pollution. This task implementation is primarily depends on identification of new genes responsible for stress resistance and also on the analysis of all functional features of genes on a cellular, tissue and organ levels. This article is dedicated to the study of Arabidopsis thaliana mutant nfz24 and the analysis of theNFZ24 gene function in cold stress response. It was demonstrated that reduced carotinoid content and alteration in ABA dependent cold response are the reasons of nfz24 cold sensitivity.
Ecological genetics. 2008;6(1):20-26
pages 20-26 views

Post-stress chemosignals affect cells from immunocompetent organs in laboratory mice of three inbred strains

Daev E.V., Surinov B.P., Dukelskaya A.V.


Quantity of antibody producing cells and changes in bone marrow dividing cells of mouse males were studied after the exposure with chemosignals from intact or stressed donor mouse males. Inbred CBA, BALB/c and C57BL/6 strains were used. It is shown that excreted volatiles decrease quantity of antibody producing cells in spleen and at the same time raise the level of mitotic disturbances in bone marrow cells of recipient mice. Pheromone effect depends on genotype and physiological state of the recipients. For the first time we describe here the influence of mouse female pheromone 2,5-dimethylpyrazine on analyzed features. Biological meaning of the discovered effects is discussed.
Ecological genetics. 2008;6(1):27-33
pages 27-33 views

Effects of peptides on antioxidant status and survival curve parameters in inbred pre-selected lines in Drosophila melanogaster

Mylnikov S.V., Oparina T.I., Malinin V.V.


We performed comparative genetic analysis of a set of synthetic peptides effects on longevity and free-radical oxidation in Drosophila melanogaster. Strong genotype and gene-environmental interaction in determining traits value were evaluated. Mechanisms of vilon and epithalon effect on free oxygen species in mitochondria seemed to be different.
Ecological genetics. 2008;6(1):34-42
pages 34-42 views

Lubov Hotyleva

Sushchenya L.M., Volotovsky I.D., Kartel N.A., Kilchevsky A.V.


12 марта 2008 года исполнилось 80 лет члену нашей редколлегии Любови Владимировне Хотылевой академику НАН Беларуси, доктору биологических наук, профессору, заслуженному деятелю науки БССР, лауреату Государственной премии Белорусской ССР, выдающемуся ученому в области генетики растений.
Ecological genetics. 2008;6(1):43-45
pages 43-45 views

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