Vol 6, No 2 (2013)

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Comprehensive investigation of subjective and objective accommodation parameters in children and teenagers with myopia

Tarutta Y.P., Tarasova N.A., Khodzhabekyan N.V.


The accommodation tonus, subjective and objective parameters of accommodation were examined in 130 patients aged 6–18 years (average age 11.26 ± 0.2) with various degrees of myopia. The accommodation state was determined using subjective methods (relative accommodation reserves, amplitude of accommodation) and objective methods (binocular and monocular accommodative responses, the objective relative accommodation reserves, the habitual tonus of accommodation in the open field, tonus of accommodation rest). It was revealed, that accommodation tonus measured in the virtual, open and non-oriented spaces had different values. Myopic patients showed the highest values of the tonus accommodation rest (–0.77 ± 0.03) and the lowest values (–0.17 ± 0.02) of the habitual tonus of accommodation in the open field. A synchronic decrease of subjective and objective parameters of accommodation was revealed in children and teenagers with myopia. The subjective-measured accommodation reserves showed higher values compared to objective-measured ones. A significant difference of examined parameters between fellow eyes was revealed in anisometropic myopia: the common tonus of accommodation in virtual, as well as in real space was higher in eyes with lower myopia; in eyes with higher myopia, the tonus showed negative values in both cases. The monocular accommodative response was the same in the paired eyes, the binocular accommodative response was significantly higher in eyes with higher myopia.
Ophthalmology Reports. 2013;6(2):3-9
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Engineering and experimental testing of two-wavelength laser-assisted device for photocoagulation of eye tissue

Astakhov Y.S., Akopov Y.L., Ivanov A.A., Smirnova M.A., Panteleev L.N., Nevorotin A.J.


Retinal photocoagulation is believed to be one of most efficient methods to treat many retinal abnormalities. By now, a number of lasers operating at different wavelengths, irradiation intensities, and exposure times have been tested in search of optimal parameters for each type of retinal photocoagulation. Taking into consideration a wide range of such parameters, the primary objective of the present study was to develop a device that would combine the potentials of different lasers into a single universal laser-assisted coagulator (ULAC) equally suitable for a wide diversity of retinal disease. Important issue would be the creation of an experimental model allowing an operative evaluation of the coagulating effect induced by the ULAC. The sources of coherent irradiation to be combined were DPSS and diode lasers (532 and 810 nm, respectively). Through two individual fibers, irradiation generated by each of the lasers entered the optical blender to be further directed to the target, now via a single fiber. The target termed the “surrogate of living tissue” was a mixture of donor human blood and chicken egg white, which corresponded, respectively, to the chromophore and thermocoagulating agent, both sensitive to laser beams at 532 and 810 nm. As a result, irradiation of surrogate of living tissue by a laser under the trial caused the formation of a coagulate and its firm adhesion to the coverslip, after that the coagulate was separated from the unaffected surrogate of living tissue followed by its 3D-analysis. In conclusion, the whole procedure, while being relatively non-expensive and easy to perform, has proved to be simple enough for testing of a wide spectrum of coagulation-inducing parameters, whatever laser was used. Moreover, even the initial experiments have shown the high efficiency of the ULAC as a potential candidate for the application in ophthalmological practice.
Ophthalmology Reports. 2013;6(2):10-15
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Features of primary disability due to eye diseases in the Krasnodar region

Apostolova A.S.


A continuous statistical study of primary disability dynamics in ophthalmic patients during 2006–2011, according to the data from the branch # 7. For the entire observation period, a decrease in number of people first-time recognized as disabled was found. The nosologic structure of primary disability is shown, with glaucoma occupying the first place for the entire observation period, and myopia the second one during the last 5 years. Decreasing disability due to lens changes was found, from the second rank to the 6th one. An increase in primary disability due to AMD was recognized, moving AMD from the 10th place to the 3rd. A group analysis of patients, in whom glaucoma was a disabling condition, was performed. In 88–93% of cases, these persons were of retirement age. Higher prevalence of disability was noted among urban population. Among rural population in comparison with urban one, there were more group I and less group II disabled persons.
Ophthalmology Reports. 2013;6(2):16-19
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The anterior ischemic optic neuropathy treatment using the dispersed “Alloplant”

Galimova V.U., Verzakova I.V., Gareyev Y.M., Karimova Z.K.


In this article, the results of a study are presented on the influence of the therapeutic retroscleral filling by dispersed “Alloplant” biomaterial upon blood supply and visual functions of the eye. 47 patients (69 eyes) suffering from anterior ischemic optic neuropathy sequelae were examined. Obtained results allowed to study the degree of relationship between the following indices: resistance index of ocular vessels, visual acuity and electrophysiological data, visual field limits. The majority of cases with significant visual fields widening (79 %) correlated with post-operative decrease of resistance index in posterior short ciliary arteries (medial and lateral branches). The results of performed investigation allow to assume that the dispersed “Alloplant” biomaterial use in the treatment of patients with anterior ischemic optic neuropathy sequelae could promote the optic nerve blood supply improvement with further amelioration of visual function indices.
Ophthalmology Reports. 2013;6(2):20-24
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Boiko E.V., Fokina D.V., Reituzov V.A., Alekperov S.I.


In this research we compare the efficiency of noninvasive intraocular-delivering methods of different dosage forms of levofloxacin (LF) with the help of soft contact lens (SCL) and eye drops of LF and LF with the presence of prolongator — hypromellose. It is revealed, that SCL saturated with levofloxacin achieve therapeutic concentration in aqueous humor. This is due to the gradual release of antibiotic from the SCL in the anterior chamber. Installations of eye drops of LF and LF with hypromellose achieve minimum inhibitory concentration of fluoroquinolone in aqueous humor during 3 and 5 hours respectively. It is discussed the using of each dosage form in preventive and therapeutic purposes.
Ophthalmology Reports. 2013;6(2):25-29
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Peripapillary geographic choriopathy

Ustinova Y.I.


In the lecture, literature data and results of own studies are presented upon etiology, pathogenesis, clinical picture, diagnosis and treatment of the peripapillary geographic choriopathy a severe progressing disease of eye fundus structures, that may often lead to blindness. A peripapillary geographic choriopathy clinical classification is recommended. The possibility of diagnosis in 96% of cases basing on ophthalmologic picture is established. The efficacy of regular medical treatment (no less than 2 cures a year) is proven, if necessary in combination with photocoagulation and revascularization of the choroid.
Ophthalmology Reports. 2013;6(2):30-42
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An experience of Retinalamin use in glaucomatous optic neuropethy and age-related macular degeneration

Astakhov Y.S., Butin Y.V., Morozova N.V., Sokolov V.O., Florentseva S.S.


From 2005, an estimation of possible neuroprotective cytomedine Retinalamin action was carried out using objective investigation methods in patients with primary open-angle glaucoma stage 1 and 2 and in those with dry AMD, both being debilitating ophthalmic conditions.
Ophthalmology Reports. 2013;6(2):45-49
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Heidelberg Cornea Tomography usein assessment of Cyclosporin A treatmentresults in patients with “dry eye “ syndrome

Florentseva S.S., Veselov A.V., Butin Y.V., Morozova N.V.
Ophthalmology Reports. 2013;6(2):50-53
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Topical administration of Oftaquix® and Tobrex® in refractive surgery

Kachanov A.B., Pavlova Y.A., Vokhmyakov A.V.


Background: Due to the growing resistance of causative microorganisms to previous generations of antibiotics and to the risk of post-op infectious complications associated with it, an efficacy and safety assessment of modern fluoroquinolones’ prophylactic topical administration appears to be reasonable. Purpose: To investigate the efficacy and safety of levofloxacin 0.5 % ophthalmic solution (Oftaquix®, Santen, Finland) topical use in modern excimer laser refractive surgery (LASIK). Material and methods: Patients were randomized into two treatment groups: Thirty two patients (64 eyes) were treated with levofloxacin 0.5 % ophthalmic solution (Oftaquix®, Santen, Finland) b.i.d. and thirty patients (60 eyes) received tobramycine 0.3 % eye drops (Tobrex®, Alcon-Couvreur, Belgium) q. t.d., both during first 7 days post-op. LASIK procedure using excimer laser MEL-80 (Carl Zeiss Meditec, Germany) and mechanical microkeratome LSK Moria Evolution-2 (Moria, France) was performed in all patients for myopia from –1.0 to –12.0 D. Patient’s age varied from 18 to 40 years (mean age 28.4±7.8). Results: During topical application of Oftaquix® and Tobrex® in our refractive surgery patients there were no topical, or systemic adverse reactions, or allergic reactions. Oftaquix® and Tobrex® had good topical tolerability. Therapeutic dosage regimen, sufficient in terms of anti-infective prophylaxis, in case of Oftaquix® was twice as low in comparison to Tobrex®. Tear film break-up time (TFBUT) preand post-op was comparable between groups. In both groups, TFBUT post-op was significantly lower compared to pre-op values (p < 0.01). Tear production (Shirmer-I test) in both groups remained almost the same (p > 0.05). Conclusion: Oftaquix® (Santen, Finland) ophthalmic solution is effective and safe for prevention of infectious complications after LASIK and appears to be a rational alternative to tobramycine 0.3 % eye drops (Tobrex®, Alcon-Couvreur, Belgium).
Ophthalmology Reports. 2013;6(2):55-59
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Remote treatment results in patients with eye tuberculosis

Lyapin S.L., Ustinova Y.I.


Remote results of standard chemotherapy regimens used for ophthalmic tuberculosis were analyzed in 87 patients, receiving care at a specialized sanatorium during the intensive treatment phase, and at local anti-tuberculosis dispensaries during the continued treatment phase. Remote treatment results were assessed at the patients’ admittance to the sanatorium in 1–3 years after the treatment termination. A positive result — “effective treatment” was established in 73 (84 %) from 87 patients, with newly diagnosed ophthalmic tuberculosis and its recurrences — in 85 % and 83 %, respectively (p > 0.05). A significant advantage was found in effective treatment prevalence at remote terms in patients with tuberculous chorioretinitis when compared to anterior uveitis, both in the whole material (p = 0.0004) and in each of the main groups — newly diagnosed ophthalmic tuberculosis (p = 0.0004) and its recurrences (p = 0.02). The lack of phthisioophthalmologists in 46.6 % of anti-tuberculosis dispensaries renders the control of treatment quality more difficult..
Ophthalmology Reports. 2013;6(2):60-66
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The coloboma of the choroid simulating optic nerve duplication

Astakhov Y.S., Butin Y.V., Morozova N.V., Sokolov V.O., Florentseva S.S.


In the article, a coloboma of the choroid is described simulating optic disc duplicaton as well as modern possibilities of instrumental work-up methods, which allowed to make a diagnosis. A coloboma (from the Greek koloboma, meaning defect) — is a defect of lid tissues, iris, choroid or optic nerve. A coloboma may be сongenital or acquired. A typical coloboma of the choroid is localized in the lower part of the eye fundus. At times, it comes down to the optic disc, and sometimes involves it as well. The white color of the defect is due to the show-through of the sclera, because the choroid here is completely absent. Corresponding to the coloboma of the choroid, the retina is hypoplastic or absent at times. An optic disc duplication — at this anomaly there are two optic discs on the eye fundus. Sometimes, both may be phtitical and hypoplastic, but more often one of them is hypoplastic, and the second one is performing its function. A true optic disc duplication comes out of the optic nerve partition into 2 or more fascicles. The duplicated optic nerve is pointed out by two optic foramens in one orbit by radiographic analysis, two blind spots in the visual field of one eye, simultaneous central retinal artery pulsation on both optic discs. Ultrasonic B-scanning or OCT and MRI may confirm the existence of a true optic nerve and optic disc duplication. A pseudo-duplication of the optic disc is also very rare and represents a well delineated defect, close to the normal optic disc and simulating an ancillary optic disc with an adjoining area of chorioretinal atrophy.
Ophthalmology Reports. 2013;6(2):67-74
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Mycotic keratitis diagnosis and treatment

Astakhov Y.S., Skryabina Y.V., Konenkova Y.S., Kasymov F.O., Bogomolova T.S., Pinegina O.N.
Ophthalmology Reports. 2013;6(2):75-80
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30th anniversary of the phthisioophthalmology section at the Saint-Petersburg scientific medical society of ophthalmologists

Ustinova Y.I.


The expediency of the organization of the phthisioophthalmology section at the scientific medical society for the benefit of quality improvement in diagnosis and treatment for patients with ophthalmic tuberculosis is established. Data are presented on the dynamic activity of the the phthisioophthalmology section at the Saint-Petersburg scientific medical society of ophthalmologists, and on its main results.
Ophthalmology Reports. 2013;6(2):81-84
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K 90-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya akademika Arkadiya Pavlovicha Nesterova

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Статья посвящена 90-й годовщине со дня рождения академика Аркадия Павловича Нестерова — известного в России и за рубежом ученого, педагога и клинициста-офтальмолога.
Ophthalmology Reports. 2013;6(2):85-86
pages 85-86 views


Astakhov S.Y.
Ophthalmology Reports. 2013;6(2):87-90
pages 87-90 views

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