Role of clinically contracted pelvis in the structure of indications for caesarean section



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Pregnant women with the contracted pelvis belong to the «high risk» group of perinatal pathology. Anatomically and clinically contracted pelvis is one of the frequent indications for cesarean section.

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Pregnant women with the contracted pelvis belong to the «high risk» group of perinatal pathology. Anatomically and clinically contracted pelvis is one of the frequent indications for cesarean section.

With an eye to determinate the role of clinically contracted pelvis in the structure of indications for caesarian section, annual reports of the Unit of labor management in women with high risk of the Scientific Center for obstetrics, gynecology and perinatology of the Russian academy of medical sciences were analyzed for a period 1951-1998. It was showed that in 50s in the structure of indications for cesarean section the clinically contracted pelvis occupied the 1st place - 38,5%. In 60s a number of cesarean section, performed in the connection with clinically contracted pelvis decreased to 13,9%, in 70s - to 8,8%. This is concerned to the improvement of diagnostics of contracted pelvis and refusal of «test» contracted pelvis delivery by obstetrcians. In after years, due to penetration to the clinic of labor outcome prediction methods based on the digital scanning x-ray unit, the frequency of cesarean section for clinically contracted pelvis continued to decrease, and in 80s was 4,3%, in 90s - 2,1%. Therefore, improvement of contracted pelvis diagnostics, penetration of outcome of labor prediction methods and rational labor management in the patients with above pathology allow to reduce a number of cesarean sections, performed for clinically contracted pelvis.


Об авторах

E. A. Chernouha

Scientific Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology, RAMS

Автор, ответственный за переписку.
Россия, Moscow

A. L. Volobujev

Scientific Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology, RAMS

Россия, Moscow

T. K. Puchko

Scientific Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology, RAMS

Россия, Moscow

S. B. Kurinov

Scientific Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology, RAMS

Россия, Moscow

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