Therapeutics aspects diathermy of surgery of cervix uterus



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Objective: The solution of oncogynaecological problems provides duly diagnostics and appropriate treatment of background condition of cervix uterus. The correct approaches to a solution of this problem help to prevent dysplasia and crawfish of ecto- and endocervix. The definition of the indications to operation and choice of a method of treatment according to patient’s age is actual.

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Objective: The solution of oncogynaecological problems provides duly diagnostics and appropriate treatment of background condition of cervix uterus. The correct approaches to a solution of this problem help to prevent dysplasia and crawfish of ecto- and endocervix. The definition of the indications to operation and choice of a method of treatment according to patient’s age is actual.

Methods: To optimizate outcomes of diathermy excision during treatment of background condition of cervix uterus in pre- and postoperation period lowdosage combined synthetic progestins such as Rigevidon, Marvelon, Silest were applied. The selection of a preparation was conducted individually.

Results: The diathermy excision on a conventional technique is made to 32 out-patients. Control group, in which lowdosage oral contraception was not applied consisted of 20 women. Synthetic progestins under the scheme of contraception applied during one menstrual cycle before operation and during consequent two menstrual cycles continuously (without a seven-day time interruption within 42 days). The operation was conducted in one of days of second menstrual cycle on background of hormone-containing contraception application.

Conclusions: The application of extrogen-progestagen contraception before and after operation has allowed: 1) To exclude a possibility of pregnancy 2) To prevent origin endometrioid heterotopies 3) To be free in choice of a day of operation 4) To reduce terms epitalisation wound of a surface. The obtained outcomes testify to expediency of realization diathermy excision of cervix uterus at the women of reproduction age on a hum noise of use combined hormone-containing contraception using.


Об авторах

M. M. Safronova

Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education

Автор, ответственный за переписку.
Россия, St. Petersburg

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