Phatomorphological diagnostics etiology of missed abortion



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Among different form early of habitual miscarried greed important is missed abortion. The purpose of the study was to discover the main reason of missed abortion on the basis of the hystologycal analysis of the abrasion cave uteri materials.

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Among different form early of habitual miscarried greed important is missed abortion. The purpose of the study was to discover the main reason of missed abortion on the basis of the hystologycal analysis of the abrasion cave uteri materials.

Materials. A total of 50 women aged 20 to 38 yeas were examined after missed abortion.

Methods. General clinical examination, ultrasonography of pelvic organs, bacteriological analysis of discharge from the cervix uteri, hormonal examination, analysis of immunological state, genetic examination and hystologycal analysis of the abrasion cave uteri materials after missed abortion.

Result. During Phatomorphological investigation endometrium after missed abortion it was revealed 18 women had markers of inflammation d. basalis and d. parietals in form division infiltration by leukocytes and in form of reological pathology. 11 women had signs endocrine disorders. 6 women had immune disorders in form reological transgression. 2 women had markers of genetic pathology.

Conclusion. On the bases of the revealed markers missed abortion different variants of pathogenesis missed abortion were studied. Schemes of examination and treatment were suggested.


Об авторах

O. F. Serova

Moscow Regional Institute of Obstetrics & Gynecology

Автор, ответственный за переписку.
Россия, Moscow

A. P. Melovanov

Moscow Regional Institute of Obstetrics & Gynecology

Россия, Moscow

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