Journal of obstetrics and woman diseases indexing in SCOPUS

已经提交: 20.09.2020
The title mentioned above has been evaluated for inclusion in Scopus by the Content Selection & Advisory Board (CSAB). The review of this title is now complete and the CSAB has advised that the title will be accepted for inclusion in Scopus. For your information, the reviewer comments are copied below:

"This journal is publishing 60-70 items per annum, with limited citation activity.

We recognise the significance and importance to this journal of publishing in Russian.
However, partial or full co-publication of key content in English would bring the journal to a much wider international Readership and Authorship, as consistent with the wider aims of SCOPUS.
This should bring substantial benefits to the citation and usage metrics and to the international appreciation of the content of this journal.

There are no obvious contraindications to accession to SCOPUS at this point.

The SCIMAGO website lists 185 journals in this category, including 3 from the Russian Federation, against which to benchmark the further development of this journal.

