The meaning of natural oestrogens in the IVF protocol





In many respects, the results of the IVF crucially depend on the joint condition of an endometrium and a uterus at the moment of embryo implantation. The influence of the most significant among them, for example, of endogenic oestradiol, may be unsufflcient. That is what have been confirmed by the results of ultrasound testing. To increase the readiness of endometrium for the embryo implantation and further supplementation of early pregnancy we have used the medicine, analogous of the native oestradiol, Estrofem T (Novo Nordisk, Denmark). 


In many respects, the results of the IVF crucially depend on the joint condition of an endometrium and a uterus at the moment of embryo implantation. The influence of the most significant among them, for example, of endogenic oestradiol, may be unsufflcient. That is what have been confirmed by the results of ultrasound testing. To increase the readiness of endometrium for the embryo implantation and further supplementation of early pregnancy we have used the medicine, analogous of the native oestradiol, Estrofem T (Novo Nordisk, Denmark). We compare the 84 IVF cycles when EstrofemT have been used with another 54 cycles without support by oestrogens. The Estrofem T was nominated starting from the 8-9th day of a menstrual cycle, combining with the protocol of superovulation induction (37 cycles), from the moment of oocyte recovery or embryo transfer (35 cycles) and after the approach of implantation (12 cycles). In those cycles when the EstrofemT was nominated rather early we have seen an essential enlargement of the endometrium thickness at the moment of embryo transfer (11.2±0.3 mm in comparison with 10.4±0.7 mm in the control) and higher pregnancy rate (in 51 cycles from 84 ones, or in 60.7±0.5% in comparison with 19 of 54 control cycles, or in 35.2±0.2%). The early pregnancy loss has taken place in 11 from 51 pregnancies. 32 patients have progressing pregnancy, mainly of II-III trimesters, 8 women have beared 15 alive children. In the control group, unlike the Estrofem T ones, the total rate of early pregnancy loss and ectopic pregnancy was on the level 31.6±2.0% (6 of 19 ones), 13 pregnancies are either in progressing state or have been completed by the birth of alive children. Hence our research shows that the results of the IVF program can be significantly improved by including Estrofem T, the medicine of native estradiol.



M. Repina

Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education; AVA-Peter

俄罗斯联邦, St. Petersburg; St. Petersburg

N. Kornilov

Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education; AVA-Peter

俄罗斯联邦, St. Petersburg; St. Petersburg

E. Krapivina

Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education; AVA-Peter

俄罗斯联邦, St. Petersburg; St. Petersburg

S. Shlykova

Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education; AVA-Peter

俄罗斯联邦, St. Petersburg; St. Petersburg

J. Kornilova

Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education; AVA-Peter

俄罗斯联邦, St. Petersburg; St. Petersburg




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СМИ зарегистрировано Федеральной службой по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций (Роскомнадзор).
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