New approaches to the prevention of vascular damages at peri-postmenopausal women





As it’s known, vascular system damages are stimulated by the loss of ovarians function. In order to estimate the heavity of microcirculatory infringements we have investigated primary and secondary hemostasis, anticoagulant blood system and lipoproteins spectrum at 112 patients of the age 42-69 years, who received the assistant hormonal treatment by preparations, registered in Russian Federation (Femoston T, Climen T, Cyclo-Proginova T, Trisequens T, Cliogest T, etc.).


As it’s known, vascular system damages are stimulated by the loss of ovarians function. In order to estimate the heavity of microcirculatory infringements we have investigated primary and secondary hemostasis, anticoagulant blood system and lipoproteins spectrum at 112 patients of the age 42-69 years, who received the assistant hormonal treatment by preparations, registered in Russian Federation (Femoston T, Climen T, Cyclo-Proginova T, Trisequens T, Cliogest T, etc.). These patients also received the system enzyme therapy by Wobenzym T and Phlogenzym T. While the assistant hormonal treatment we have estimated the thrombocytogram, platelets function and other parameters and have discovered a positive influence of the above therapy on the condition of primary hemostasis. However, the results depend on conditional «oestrogen» and «progestagen» phases of drugs reception. The positive effect is strengthened by system enzyme therapy, which can be nominated as together with assistant hormonal treatment, and as separate rates also.



M. Repina

Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education

俄罗斯联邦, St. Petersburg




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СМИ зарегистрировано Федеральной службой по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций (Роскомнадзор).
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