Morphological and molecular features of recurrent endometrioid ovarian cysts




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BACKGROUND: One of the clinical course features of ovarian endometriosis is its recurrent nature, which leads to repeated operations and increased damage to the ovarian follicular apparatus.

AIM: The aim of this study was to evaluate morphological and molecular features of recurrent endometrioid ovarian cysts in patients of reproductive age.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: Morphological and immunohistochemical studies of the surgical material of 196 observations of endometrioid ovarian cysts were performed — 23 observations of the first surgical intervention with further diagnosed relapse, 22 observations of repeated surgery and 151 observations of a relapse-free course of endometriosis. Monoclonal mouse antibodies to CD68, transforming growth factor β-1, CD34, and α-smooth muscle actin were used.

RESULTS: CD68 (macrophage) expression was detected in lympho-macrophage infiltrates of the cytogenic stroma and endometrioid cyst capsule. Significantly greater values of the expression were obtained in recurrent endometrioid cysts in the surgical material of both the first (cytogenic stroma — 31 [8; 53]%, capsule — 23 [3; 42]%) and second operation (23 [12; 36] and 9 [5; 20]%, respectively) compared to the relapse-free course of the disease (8 [6; 9] and 2 [0; 4]%, respectively). The transforming growth factor β-1 expression area in the endometrioid cyst capsule was significantly higher in the surgical material of both the first (22.8 [21.6; 24.8]%) and second operation (31.2 [30.5; 32.2]%) with recurrent endometriosis compared to cases with no relapse (12.7 [11.2; 13.9]%). But in the cytogenic stroma was it only detected in cases of repeated surgical endometrioid cyst treatment (18.7 [18.0; 19.7]%). The positive α-smooth muscle actin expression area was higher in the surgical material of the second operation with recurrent endometriosis in both the cytogenic stroma (68.3 [66.3; 69.6]%) and endometrioma capsule (82.5 [80.5; 83.8]%). A large area of CD34 expression was also detected in the recurrent course of ovarian endometriosis in the surgical material of both the first (cytogenic stroma — 34.8 [33.4; 35.8]%, capsule — 52.6 [50.4; 55.0]%) and second operation (51.3 [49.0; 53.3] and 48.7 [46.7; 49.8]%, respectively).

CONCLUSIONS: The recurrent course of ovarian endometriosis is characterized by more pronounced inflammation, angiogenesis, myofibroblast proliferation, and fibrogenesis, which indicates the importance of these pathological processes in the chronicity of the disease. Further study of the role of macrophages and the cascade of regenerative and reparative processes that they trigger is important for understanding the pathogenesis of endometriosis and searching for diagnostic markers of its recurrent course.




Nikol Petrovskaia

North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov

ORCID iD: 0000-0001-6849-5335
SPIN 代码: 7769-1969
Scopus 作者 ID: 57838172500
俄罗斯联邦, Saint Petersburg

Victoria Pechenikova

North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov

ORCID iD: 0000-0001-5322-708X
SPIN 代码: 9603-5645

MD, Dr. Sci. (Med.), Professor

俄罗斯联邦, Saint Petersburg

Darya Chashchina

North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-5372-3515
SPIN 代码: 1213-8079
俄罗斯联邦, Saint Petersburg


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2. Fig. 1. Myofibroblast-like cell proliferation in the cytogenic stroma of the endometrioid ovarian cyst. Hematoxylin-eosin stain; a, survey image, zoom ×100; b, fragment, zoom ×200

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3. Fig. 2. CD68 expression data in the endometrial cytogenic stroma and endometrioid cyst capsule: 1, first operation followed by relapse; 2, second operation (for relapse); 3, relapse-free course of endometriosis

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4. Fig. 3. CD68 expression in ovarian endometriosis: a, cytogenic stroma, relapse, first operation; b, cyst capsule, relapse, first operation; c, cytogenic stroma, relapse, second operation; d, cyst capsule, relapse, second operation; e, cytogenic stroma, relapse-free course; f, cyst capsule, relapse-free course. Immunohistochemistry study, zoom ×200

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5. Fig. 4. Transforming growth factor β-1 expression in endometrioid ovarian cysts: a, cyst capsule, relapse, first operation; b, cyst capsule, relapse, second operation; c, cyst capsule, no relapse; d, cytogenic stroma, relapse, second operation. Immunohistochemistry study, zoom ×200

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6. Fig. 5. α-Smooth muscle actin expression in ovarian endometriosis: a, cytogenic stroma, relapse, first operation; b, cyst capsule, relapse, first operation; c, cytogenic stroma, relapse, second operation; d, cyst capsule, relapse, second operation; e, cytogenic stroma, no relapse; f, cyst capsule, no relapse. Immunohistochemistry study, zoom ×200

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7. Fig. 6. CD34 expression in ovarian endometriosis: a, cytogenic stroma, relapse, first operation; b, cyst capsule, relapse, first operation; c, cytogenic stroma, relapse, second operation; d, cyst capsule, relapse, second operation; e, cytogenic stroma, no relapse; f, cyst capsule, no relapse. Immunohistochemistry study, zoom ×100

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